Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1

Unit 4 • Giving youropinion

70 • Types of writing

D Man yyoungacto rsundact re sse s dreamofbecoming stars, hutillre ality stardom
hasitsdruwlmcksas well asits attractions.
Onthe onehand, _

Also, _

On the otherhand. _

:\fat onlythat. but also _

Ultimately, _

E As an Olympic GoldMed allist,I am often asked what is thebe stwaytospe nd
the nighthe fore a higrace.
Onthe one hand, _

On the other hand, _

Pe rson ally , tho ugh, _

F The re are mallYreaso nswhyIlove _
One reason is _

Anothe r _

\Vhat is 111 0re. _

Aboveall. _

GOf all the soap powdersin the world, I wouldrecommendthatyOl1use _
In the first place , _

Mor eimportantly, _

On topoftbat, _

In sbort, _
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