
(Frankie) #1




I still remember my first
time with Grain Waves. It
was around 2010, and every
Friday night at work we’d
convene in the boardroom
to eat chips, lollies and
drink cheap wine. Grain
Waves remind me of being
slightly drunk and saying
inappropriate things to
colleagues – I love that
flavour. I was also quite a fan
of the flavour in this pack.
Do I think they’ve improved
the product by adding
beetroot powder? No, not at
all. They’re chips; we need
to stop pretending they’re
healthy in any way. I don’t
buy chips to get abs and
clearer skin. However, the
very ’90s addition of sweet
chilli jam was a delicious
nostalgia kick. That moreish
tang! While I’d be ashamed
to serve these to guests at a
party, I’d happily eat a whole
packet in bed by myself after
kicking my guests out. CC



Mexican food madness is still
rife in Australia. From fine
dining to roadside trucks, if
you add the words ‘taco’ or
‘burrito’ to your menu, expect
a queue. I didn’t have to
queue to get into this packet
of chips, which is a relief,
because that would be strange
and off-putting. Something
I did find a little off-putting,
though, was the packaging –
that fleshy, beef-filled burrito
was quite confronting. And it
wasn’t just the meat, either;
it looks like a bad burrito, the
kind a uni student (probably
an engineering major)
might make. Maybe that’s
the market, and if so, good
job, Smith’s. These are your
classic ‘work farewell party’
chips. While I enjoyed the
intensity of flavour, I wasn’t
convinced it was Mexican
I was eating, more spiced-up
tomato. But maybe that’s what
engineering-student packet-
mix Mexican burritos taste like.
I can live with that. CC



The packet felt light. That’s
always my biggest gripe
with chips; there’s rarely any
heft to the bag. Normally,
Kettle Chips make up for it
with golden, salty crispness,
but not so much this time.
I found myself elbow-
deep in a packet of sweet
slivers of oil, with only the
barest hint of salt. I kept
eating in the hope of hitting
some reservoir of flavour
beyond the sweetness of
the potato, but I was hardly
even dehydrated by the time
I reached the bottom of
the pack. The sweet potato
worked fine, but it wasn’t
the stiff salt magnet the
good old white potato is.
It was, and I mean this as
a compliment, like eating
the scrapings from a pan
of roasted sweet spuds.
It felt like Kettle was so
preoccupied with sweet
potato as a wacky ingredient
that they forgot the salt and
flavour. CC



Like many millennials, I’m
always on the lookout for new
and creative ways to engage
in self-flagellation, so you can
only imagine the excitement
I felt when I first laid eyes on
this packet of Mi Goreng chips.
Inspired by the instant noodles
favoured by broke students
and divorced dads worldwide,
the first thing I noticed upon
cracking the packet was a
pungent aroma. A unique
waft combining the scents of
mouldy takeaway containers
and general fishiness filled the
air. How could I bring myself
to consume these stinky
shavings? Was my life really at
such a low point? Surprisingly,
the answer was yes. Despite
tasting like a confused
herring, the salty crunch
activated my taste buds in a
primal manner and I somehow
consumed the whole bag
almost immediately. Would
recommend to anyone who
needs an extra little boost of
self-loathing. DF

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