
(Joyce) #1
Review by Peter Bauer

Jim Cornfield


While there’s certainly still a market for in-studio portraits shot
against a patterned or plain cloth, the desire for on-location por-
traits continues to grow. Consider, if you will, high school senior
photos. Years ago, they typically involved a trip to your studio,
set lighting, a commercial backdrop, and a number of shots with
different facial expressions. Looking at what’s being posted and
advertised, that market has changed primarily to location shots.
(Some “studio” photographers I know don’t even have studios
anymore; they shoot exclusively on location.) This book does a
very good job of introducing the concept of “environmental por-
traiture,” and excels by showing the same individual in different
“environments” for comparison. You might also notice that many
of the examples in the book might do well as stock photography,
which can be an additional revenue stream for many photogra-
phers. (Tip: Make sure that you get proper model releases!) n



>^ APRIL 2020

[ 116 ]

Publisher: Routledge

Pages: 228

Price: $49.95 (paperback), $43.99 (Kindle),
$164.78 (hardcover)

Rating: 5
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