The New York Review of Books - 26.03.2020
20 The New York Review society, or coterie, of facts that the au- thor has pushed his way into first, and then it’s a matter of ...
March 26, 2020 21 SïÀÃÈÈ*Ãȳ³³®ÃÈvv® ̈Èv® vË®³½ ̈È ̈â³È³® ̈ÃÃv®Ã ̈®ÈƜ *Àv ̈çÈvÈv ...
22 The New York Review Escaping Blackness Darryl Pinckney Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race by Thomas Chatterton ...
March 26, 2020 23 lessons, home study, and open discus- sion. Philippa was welcome to make inquiries about her father’s penis wh ...
24 The New York Review being black and blackness, it seems that you cannot cease explaining why. Racial difference may be an eco ...
March 26, 2020 25 man husband. These writers represent a new generation in a long tradition of thinking about race and racism by ...
26 The New York Review united in their hatred of liberal democ- racy, communism, and Jews. The Nazis were initially eager to get ...
March 26, 2020 27 lawsuits against some of the major Ger- man newspapers that have reported on it, including the Frankfurter All ...
28 The New York Review Left Behind Helen Epstein Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Anne Case and Angus Deaton. P ...
March 26, 2020 29 to see their personal misfortunes in political terms, blaming their govern- ments and even taking to the stree ...
30 The New York Review were either unemployed or living on disability payments.^5 This pain seems to be real. At no time do Silv ...
March 26, 2020 31 Spirits of San Francisco Jed Perl The Householders: Robert Duncan and Jess by Tara McDowell. MIT Press, 232 pp ...
32 The New York Review Pindar, which he embraced as in some ways exemplary, was “not a statue but a mosaic.” Both the openness a ...
March 26, 2020 33 for Montana Xibalba is from the Mayan book of creation, about a ballgame in the underworld. The photograph, fr ...
34 The New York Review Thatcher: The Letting Go Anne Applebaum Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography: Herself Alone by Cha ...
March 26, 2020 35 I’m European.” He meant that he was attached to his region and its customs, that he wished to live in peace wi ...
36 The New York Review Creating the Universe: Depictions of the Cosmos in Himalayan Buddhism by Eric Huntington. University of W ...
March 26, 2020 37 as Huntington’s book shows at length, reflect an intellectual effort, shaped by mathematical calculations, to ...
38 The New York Review cosmos are, quite simply, “not a place.” What, then, are they? An empty space, perhaps, in a cosmos whose ...
March 26, 2020 39 Musil’s Infinities Michael Hofmann Intimate Ties : Two Novellas by Robert Musil, translated from the German an ...
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