
(singke) #1
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  1. Godzilla Vs Kong
    Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Rebecca Hall, Millie
    Bobby Brown, Kyle Chandler
    Director: Adam Wingard
    Released: 22 May 2020

This is the big one. The fi nal showdown
between Godzilla and King Kong. As the fourth
fi lm in the Legendary MonsterVerse, Godzilla Vs
Kong still has time to really get itself together and
wow the pants off us. In the meantime, we’re
enjoying keeping up with the stream of fun new
cast members constantly being added, including
Rebecca Hall, Alexander Skarsgård and Hunt For
The Wilderpeople’s Julian Dennison.

  1. Avatar 2
    Cast: Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Kate
    Winslet, Sigourney Weaver
    Released: 18 December 2020
    Director: James Cameron

Unbelievably, the fi rst sequel to James
Cameron’s 2009 sci-fi epic Avatar is still in
production and set for release in two years’ time.
We know Cameron is still keen to get the Avatar
universe rolling, even going so far as to open a
Pandora-inspired section of Disney World, but
we’re not convinced the fi lms are going to get
further than Avatar 2. But we will happily eat our
words once we see a trailer for the threequel.

  1. RoboCop Returns
    Released: TBA
    Director: Neill Blomkamp
    Cast: TBA

RoboCop Returns may be a sequel to the original 1987 sci-fi classic but it seems that
the fi lm will have to start completely afresh now that RoboCop himself Peter Weller has fi nally
and fi rmly crushed any dreams we had of him coming back to reprise his iconic role in the
new fi lm. However, it’s not just our dreams that have been cruelly crushed either, as the sequel’s
director Neill Blomkamp was rather hoping that Weller would come back to reprise the role too,
having Tweeted back in August that he would most like Weller to take on the character in his
upcoming fi lm. But you can’t always get what you want, we’re confi dent Blomkamp will
have a perfect new lead nailed down in no time and we’re looking forward to seeing his take
on the story.

  1. Gemini Man
    Released: 4 October 2019
    Director: Ang Lee
    Cast: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Will Smith,
    Clive Owen, Benedict Wong

Ang Lee is known for genre-hopping,
and it’s been a while since the director has
ventured into the world of sci-fi (we’re still
trying to forget Hulk, his last attempt). Gemini
Man will see him do just that as it follows
Will Smith’s Henry Brogen, an ageing
assassin looking to exit his dangerous career.
But the task proves to be a lot more diffi cult
than initially anticipated when Brogen ends
up going against up a clone of himself, one
that effortlessly predicts his every move.
Based on a concept by Darren Lemke, Walt
Disney Pictures was originally set to produce
Gemini Man way back in 1997, but after a
lot of unnecessary faffi ng Skydance Media
acquired it in 2016.

  1. Star Wars: Episode 9
    Released: 20 December 2019
    Director: JJ Abrams
    Cast: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver,
    Oscar Isaac

We’re simultaneously eagerly
anticipating and dreading Star Wars: Episode
IX, not least because it will conclude the
current ongoing saga in the galaxy far, far
away; Episode IX will also be the fi rst trilogy
fi lm after the passing of Carrie Fisher. But
according to star Oscar Isaac, the fi lm deals
with the fact in a “really beautiful way”.

  1. Dune
    Stars: Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson
    Director: Denis Villeneuve
    Released: 2020 TBA

Having taken on one of the genre’s most
sacred of cows with Blade Runner 2049,
Denis Villeneuve has turned his attention
to Frank Herbert’s Dune and we can safely
assume it’s going to look sensational. Rising
star/internet boyfriend Timothée Chalamet
will play Paul Atreides and Rebecca Ferguson
is up for the role of Lady Jessica. Can
Villeneuve succeed where Lynch failed?

© Gage Skidmore

© Elena Ringo
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