The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [154–157]^

  1. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  2. Temirova and Shunevich, “Vo vremya voyny.” Mishchenko was a colonel when interviewed
    in 2001.

  3. This interpreter was sent to Syria under similar procedures. Mikhail Razinkov, “Siriya:
    Goryachiy oktyabr’ 1973 goda,” 9 September 2009,

  4. Gefele, “Napishi.”

  5. “It was especially chic for majors and colonels to wear a Soviet-uniform shirt and tie under
    the tunic.” Boris Krokhin, “Zapiski ‘Khabira’. Blizhniy Vostok ot Voyny i do Voyny: Glazami
    Sovetskogo Ofitsera,” Argumenty Nedeli, 45, 79 (7 November 2007), http://argumenti.

  6. Igor’ Vakhtin, “Simfonichesky kontsert s vostochnym aktsentom,”

  7. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  8. Interviewed in Tereshchenko, “Egiptyanin.”

  9. Ol’ga Il’inskaya, “Voyna prizrakov,” Prem’er, 49 (Cherepovets, Russia) (5 December 2001).

  10. As decribed both by an air defense serviceman (Moiseenkov, “Soldat iz Kazakhstana”) and
    a ground crewman at Beni Suef airbase (Oleg Yur’ev, “Ogon’ na blizhnem vostoke,”
    LG-Zarechny, 23 (Kuznetsk, Russia) (2006).

  11. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, p. 193.

  12. Col. Stanislav V. Gribanov, Az vozdam, Moscow: Voyennoye Izdatel’stvo, 1998, p. 309.
    This book is a virulent anti-Semitic tract published by a military institution.

  13. Nastenko, “Aviatsiya v Egipte,” pp. 58–9.

  14. Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 73: IAF website for February 1970,

  15. Hagger, Libyan Revolution, p. 75. He dates his arrival in Eg ypt the same day as the factory
    bombing at Abu Zaabal, 12 February, and his missile incident a few days later. He was
    staying at “a cheap hotel” on the Alexandria waterfront where “all the other guests were

  16. Smirnov, “O podgotovke,” p. 41.

  17. Lt-Gen. Alexey Y. Kostin, “Pamyat’ khranit,” in Safonov et al., Grif, p. 100.

  18. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, p. 192.

  19. Interviewed in Il’inskaya, “Voyna prizrakov.”

  20. Youngstown Vindicator (OH), 2 February 1970, p. 11.

  21. Korn, Stalemate, p. 181.

  22. Dave McManis, “Mid-air Collision between US and Soviet Aircraft,” 11 March 1970.
    NARA, NSC country files, USSR, vol. VII, box 711.

  23. Neither was a fatal collision between two Soviet MiG-21s in March 1971, which is known
    only from the journal of Kutakhov’s deputy. Col.-Gen. Nikolay Kamanin, Skryty Kosmos,
    Moscow: Infortekst-IF, 1995–7, 4 vols., vol. 4, p. 247,

  24. SAR, 20 March 1970, no. 53, pp. 138–9. Dobrynin’s report (no. 54, pp. 139–40) gives

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