The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [187–192]^

  1. Dudchenko, Kanal, Chapter 13.

  2. Posting no. 17, 21 January 2010,

  3. Eduard Gavrilov (dir), Verbovshchik, Moscow: Mentor Cinema, 1991, accessible at numer-
    ous websites, e.g.

  4. For the outstanding work done by the French activist Denis Sellem in this area, see the
    website of his Association Edouard Kalifat,

  5. Yiftah Spector, quoted in Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 1, p. 383.


    1. Lt. Presnukhin, who arrived in Eg ypt after the ceasefire, denied knowledge of such a prac-
      tice but admitted hearing that certain parts of the Shilka had to be cleaned with alcohol
      “and maybe some of the boys lubricated their insides too.” Gefele, “Napishi.”

    2. Skobanev, “Raketny zaslon.”

    3. Interviewed in Goryainov, “Prikazano zabyt’.” The helicopters are described as heavy-lift
      Boeing Chinooks, which the IAF never operated.

    4. Interviewed in “Kak nash zemlyak.”

    5. Korn, Stalemate, p. 254.

    6. Memorandum of Conversation, 23 July 1970, FRUS N-XII, no. 184.

    7. Shlomo Ginossar, London, Davar, 13 August 1970, p. 1.

    8. Shmu’el Segev, Ma’ariv, 23 July 1970, p. 9.

    9. Akimenkov, Na poroge, p. 17.

  7. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 21 July 1970, p. 9.

  8. For example, Skobanev, “Raketny zaslon,” entry for 1 July 1970.

  9. Krokhin, “Zapiski khabira.”

  10. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 1058.

  11. Korn, Stalemate, pp. 252, 304n24. This may be either the source of, or confirmed by,
    Zhirokhov and Nicolle’s unattributed account (“Unknown Heroes,” Part 2): “On 25th
    July an Israeli Skyhawk was intercepted by two Soviet MiG-21s ... near the Suez Canal.
    The MiGs then pursued the Skyhawk across the canal, contrary to their standing orders.
    ... One of the MiG-21s launched an air-to-air missile which damaged the Israeli aircraft
    and obliged it to land.” Whetten’s earlier account (Canal War, p. 126) does not mention
    any damage to the Israelis, who “jettisoned their ordnance and withdrew.”

  12. Edward Kolcum, Aviation Week, translated in Ma’ariv, 12 January 1971, p. 16. This exclu-
    sive report dated the incident the day before the 3 August engagement. Shalom, Phantoms,
    vol. 2, pp. 1030–2; Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 77.

  13. “Lehappil et ha-Russim,” IAF website for 30 July 1970,
    I A F. a s p x

  14. Transcript of conversation between Dayan and “visitor” (Primakov), 31 August 1971, ISA
    A-7037/17, pp. 10–11. Dayan stressed that IAF planes were attacked “not in Cairo, or
    anywhere inside Eg ypt.” He later corrected the date to “about 30 July,” but if he was refer-
    ring to the dogfight on that date his description was disingenuous: it did occur “inside

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