The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [244–248]^

Rogozhinsky claims to have witnessed, on “a hot summer day” in 1971, a Phantom attack
on Inshas airbase near Cairo that destroyed “with a single missile” an experimental pre-
cursor of the Kolchuga aircraft location system, killing his townsman Aleksey Avramenko
(who does not appear on any list of Soviet casualties). The Shrike attack is the only Israeli
air raid known that summer, but the Phantom is described as firing the missile point blank,
which does not conform to the Shrike. See “Kak nash zemlyak.”

  1. Mordechai Gazit, “Conversation of M.G. with David on 8 October,” p. 4, ISA A-7037/17.

  2. Sadiq “issued an order to the armed forces to ‘hit back immediately and violently and
    silence any Israeli attempt to fire at our positions’ ... all units on the Suez Canal front ...
    should ‘use all kinds of weapons.’” AP, “Middle East Uneasy: Eg ypt Gives Retaliation
    Order,” Times (Geneva, NY), 20 September 1971, p. 3.

  3. AP, “Rockets Are Fired in Suez Flare-Up,” Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), 18 September
    1971, p. 1.

  4. IAF website page for 18 September,; UPI,
    “Missiles Fired in Israel Attack,” Milwaukee Sentinel, 25 September 1971, p. 2.

  5. Agassi, quoted in Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 89; Cohen, Israel’s Best Defense, pp. 317, 399,
    471. An intercept of Eg yptian signals on 7 October 1973 confirmed that they were pre-
    pared for a Shrike attack. AC Final Report, vol. 4, p. 1261.

  6. [Gen. William] Momyer, “Resume of My Conversations with Hod, October 27,”
    2 November 1971, IRISNUM 01011311.

  7. Remark by Yadin in AC, Dayan testimony, Part 2, p. 67.

  8. “U.S. Disavows Plan to Send Lance Missiles to Israel,” NYT, 9 August 1971. The sale was
    approved only after Soviet-operated Scuds were launched at Israeli forces during the Yom
    Kippur War, and it was delivered late in 1975. The Economist, “Missile Pledge Has Many
    Wondering,” Times (Geneva, NY), 1 October 1975, p. 4.

  9. AC, Tal testimony, Part 1, pp. 153–68; Golan, Decision Making, p. 709.

  10. AC, final report, vol. 4, pp. 1205–6.

  11. Alsop, “Eg yptians Stockpile Weapons,” Herald-Statesman (Yonkers, NY), 21 September
    1971, p. 19.

  12. Rubtsov, memoir.

  13. Rubinstein, Red Star, pp. 156–7.

  14. Kimche, Last Option, p. 19.

  15. Kissinger, White House Years, p. 1286.

  16. SAR, no. 198, p. 447.

  17. SAR, no. 200, p. 452.

  18. Primakov, Blizhniy Vostok, p. 277.

  19. Davar, 26 September 1971, p. 2.

  20. SAR, no. 201, pp. 452–3.

  21. Recording of a conversation between Nixon and Gromyko, September 29, 1971, Oval
    Office, Conversation 580–20. NARA, Nixon Presidential Materials, White House Tapes.

  22. Kissinger, White House Years, p. 1288.

  23. SAR, no. 205, p. 478; no. 206, p. 482.

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