The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [262–264]^

and took part in the exercise. Kruchinin also quotes a memoir by Adm. Igor’ Kasatonov
(son of Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir), Flot vyshel v okean, Moscow: Andreevsky Flag,
1996, p. 225.

  1. Former first mate Anatoly Shevchenko, quoted in Vladimir Gundarov, “Geroy bez Zolotoy
    Zvezdy,” NVO, 26 October 2007,–10–26/5_hero.html.
    The interview with Shevchenko, who rose to vice-admiral, states that the leak occurred “a
    few days after” the ceremony but does not specify whether the sub was still in Alexandria.

  2. The flypast reportedly also exhibited “long-range bombers,” which aroused speculation
    that Eg ypt was receiving the supersonic Tu-22 (Blinder). Ehud Ya’ari, Davar, 17 May 1972,
    p. 4. This never happened; though faster and newer than the Tu-16, the Tu-22 had proved
    problematic, and the Eg yptian demand for bombing capacity against Israel was already
    being met by supply of Su-20 attack bombers, which began within a month. The bomb-
    ers referred to on 16 May may have been the two MiG-25RBs then in Eg ypt.

  3. The channel for this false Eg yptian claim was again the Te l e g r a p h’s John Bulloch. Yedi’ot
    Ahronot, 17 May 1972, p. 1.

  4. Pochtarev, “Kak podrezali kryl’ya fantomam”; Evgeny Pavlov and Lev Berne, “Pravda o
    MiG-25: Istoriya sozdaniya,” Kryl’ya Rodiny, 2–5 (1990),

  5. [Uri] Ya’ari, posting on 26 August 2007 on
    php?p=161208&mode=threaded#post2355000. Ya’ari calls the intruding Foxbats
    “efrohim” (fledglings), which had been the IAF code name for the “mysterious” overflights
    of Israel in May 1967. This tends to confirm our attribution of these flights to Soviet

  6. Spector, Loud and Clear, p. 217. Hod had told Momyer that the Foxbat sorties were made
    by “a very loose formation of two aircraft.” Both IAF pilots mention briefly sighting only
    one MiG-25 on 16 May 1972. One explanation offered for the IAF’s failure was that “the
    proximity fuses on the AIM-7E missiles could not cope with the Mach-3 closing speed of
    the Foxbat and by the time they detonated, the aircraft was out of their lethal radius.”
    “Foxbats over Sinai,” (which dates the episode
    to 6 November 1971).


  8. SAR, no. 367, p. 942.

  9. Kissinger, Years of Upheaval, p. 204.

  10. Anatoly Dobrynin, Sugubo doveritel’no: posol v Vashingtone pri shesti prezidentakh SShA,
    Moscow: Avtor, 1997, p. 238.

  11. Kissinger, White House Years, pp. 1247–8. The declassification, for Kissinger’s use only, of
    inherently secret papers was a controversial issue. Draper, Present History, pp. 246–7 (writ-
    ten in 1980).

  12. Quandt, Peace Process, 539n46.

  13. SAR, no. 374, p. 981.

  14. SAR, no. 375, pp. 987, 989–90.

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