The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [265–268]^

  1. Kirpichenko, Razvedka, p. 318.

  2. Sella, Soviet Political and Military Conduct, pp. 78–9.

  3. Rubinstein, Red Star, pp. 198–9, quoting TASS, Pravda and other contemporary Soviet

  4. Maj.-Gen. Adel Suleiman Yusry, “Planirovanie operatsii oktyabr’skoy voyny 1973 goda,”
    in Vartanov et al., Rukopozhatie, pp. 74–5.

  5. Lebow and Stein, We All Lost, pp. 155–6, 449n29, quoting Brezhnev’s commentary in an
    ideological periodical, Leninskim kursom, 21 December 1972.

  6. Lt-Col. “Hayyim,” “Mifgash ha-tzameret bein Nixon veha-hanhagah ha-Sovietit,”
    Ma’arakhot, 225 (September 1972), pp. 31, 35,

  7. Interview on 19 June 1991, Lebow and Stein, We All Lost, pp. 180, 460n177.

  8. After the attack by “Japanese Red Army” terrorists on Lod (Lydda, later Ben-Gurion)
    Airport on the day the summit ended, 30 May 1972, the Soviet media dissociated from
    the group by giving its name only in transliterated Japanese and ignoring its cooperation
    with the Soviet-supported PFLP. Dov Appel, Davar, 7 August 1973, p. 6. A book by a
    former Romanian foreign intelligence chief (Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald Rychlak,
    Disinformation, Washington, DC: WND Books, 2013) has claimed, however, that the
    KGB took “secret credit” for this attack among eleven such incidents, allegedly as part of
    Andropov’s revenge for the Soviet humiliation in 1967. David Martosko, “New Book
    Reveals How KGB Operation Seeded Muslim Countries with Anti-American, Anti-Jewish
    Propaganda,” Daily Mail, 25 June 2013.

  9. Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 212; Lebow and Stein, We All Lost, pp. 164, 455n87, based on
    an interview with a “senior official in Sadat’s office,” May 1977.

  10. Security officer, 2nd Brigade, to 19th Division headquarters, 17 June 1972, CDE-IHC,

  11. Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 187n57; Golan, Soviet Policies, p. 79.

  12. Rubinstein, Red Star, pp. 186–7n56.

  13. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, pp. 170–5 and Heikal, Sphinx, pp. 241–4; Anwar el-Sadat, In
    Search of Identity: An Autobiography, London: Collins, 1978, pp. 228–31.

  14. Chernyaev, Diary 1972, p. 25.

  15. Irina Zvyagel’skaya et al., Gosudarstvo Izrail’, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2005,
    p. 197.

  16. Central Intelligence Bulletin, “Arab States–Israel,” 18 July 1972,

  17. UPI, Davar, 17 May 1971, p. 3.

  18. Vinogradov, Diplomatiya, pp. 207–8.

  19. Davar, 18 March 1971, p. 1.

  20. Ehud Ya’ari, Davar, 14 May 1971, p. 1.

  21. Davar, 16 January 1972, p. 1.

  22. “By the time of his mission in July 1972, Sidqi was known to have strong pro-Soviet sym-
    pathies”; Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 165. Defense Minister Sadiq was described as more mod-

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