The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [268–270]^

erate and favoring a compromise with pro-Americans like Vice-President Hussein Shafei;
Jean-Pierre Joulin, Nouvel Observateur, translated in Davar, 30 January 1971, p. 8.

  1. Davar, 8 March 1972, p. 1.

  2. UPI, Davar, 31 March 1972, p. 1.

  3. UPI, Davar, 9 April 1972, p. 1.

  4. Yisra’el Landress, Davar, 6 June 1972, p. 2.

  5. Sergey Krakhmalov, Zapiski voennogo attashe: Iran–Egipet–Iran–Afganistan, Moscow:
    Russkaya Razvedka, 2000, p. 128. Ghaleb had replaced Mahmud Riad when Sidqi became
    prime minister in January 1972.

  6. Arab affairs correspondent, Davar, 27 July 1972, p. 2. Beirut newspapers wrongly pre-
    dicted that Sidqi would be replaced by Hafez Ismail, “Eg ypt’s Kissinger” and Sadat’s liai-
    son with Washington, and held that Sidqi’s ouster was due to a dispute with Defense
    Minister Sadiq about the expulsion of Soviet advisers.

  7. Rubinstein, Red Star, pp. 187–8.

  8. Reuters, “Second Lead Sadat, Cairo,” 18 July 1972, take 3, quoting “informed sources.”
    Copy in NA(PRO).

  9. Abramov, Goluboe, p. 109.

  10. [Alan B.] Urwick to MOD, 21 July 1972, 1230 GMT, NA(PRO). Urwick later headed
    the MI6 station in Jordan (Nigel West, “Obituary for Sir David Spedding,” The Independent,
    15 June 2001) and (as Sir Alan) served as ambassador in Cairo from 1985 to 1987. His
    MI6 affiliation was confirmed to the authors by a former colleague.

  11. Telegram 1065, Cairo embassy to FCO, 22 July 1972, NA(PRO).

  12. Golan, Soviet Policies, p. 79.

  13. Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 188 (citing Eg yptian Gazette, 19 July 1972); p. 189n62.

  14. Chernyaev, Diary 1972, pp. 27–8.

  15. Al-Ahram, 16 July 1972, cited in Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 188n60.

  16. Vinogradov, “K istorii Sovetsko-Egipetskikh otnosheniy,” p. 19. This account was origi-
    nally published in 1998, the year of Vinogradov’s death, in another antholog y, published
    by the Council of Combat Veterans in Eg ypt (Safonov et al., Grif, pp. 5–18). Both books
    were meant for distribution among the veterans only. The passage is conspicuously absent
    from Vinogradov’s book Diplomatiya.

  17. Ivanov, “Egipetskie kontrasty,” p. 184.

  18. Kapitanets, Na Sluzhbe, pp. 321–2.

  19. Akopov, transcript, pp. 27–30.

  20. Chernyaev, Diary 1972, p. 25.

  21. IAF website page for 13 June 1972,

  22. El’chaninov, “Dan prikaz emu ... v Egipet!,” p. 110.

  23. [Col.] Porfiry Kuleshov, “V zone Suetskogo kanala,” in Sannikov et al., Internatsionalisty,
    p. 116; N.R. Yakushev, “Eto bylo, bylo, bylo ...” in Meyer et al., To g d a, p. 386; Ground
    crewman Aleksandr Rodionov, interviewed in Yur’ev, “Ogon’.”

  24. [Maj.] Gennady Lozynin, “Na zashchite Asuana,” in Sannikov et al., Internatsionalisty,
    p. 106.

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