The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [276–279]^

  1. [Lord] Cromer, ambassador in Washington to FCO, 21 July 1972, NA(PRO).

  2. Colby to Kissinger, “Critique of Middle East Crisis,” 27 October 1973, http://www.foia.

  3. Ehud Ya’ari, Davar, 20 July 1972, p. 1.

  4. Golan, Soviet Policies, p. 79; emphasis added.

  5. Central Intelligence Bulletin, “Arab States–Israel,” 20 July 1972,

  6. Veterans’ site of 8th Air Defense Corps,

  7. “Third Round, June 1972-August 1972,” 18th Air Defense Division history page, http://

  8. Luk’yanov, who retired as a lieutenant-colonel, interviewed in Latypov, “O druzhbe.”

  9. Zaytsev, “Pomnyu Egipet,” p. 72. He states that of the vzvod’s sixteen men, fifteen returned
    as “we lost one and sent him back as ‘cargo 200,’” the code for shipping coffins. As Helwan
    was not bombed during Zaytsev’s service in Eg ypt, this must have been due to illness or

  10. Bondarenko, “Mariupol’tsy”; “Egipet: Neizvestnaya voyna.”

  11. Udmantsev, “Bezvizovaya komandirovka.”

  12. Bregman and el-Tahri, Fifty Years War, p. 112. This book was published to accompany the
    eponymous television series, which was first broadcast in the spring of 1998.

  13. [Capt.] N. Antropov: “Kod Pechora,” in Sannikov et al., Internatsionalisty, p. 120; Valery
    Serdyuk, a former Shilka radar operator, in Yosif Kalyuta, “Dialog ob internatsional’nom
    dolge s neozhidannym prodolzheniem,” Narodnaya gazeta (Belarus), 22 October 1999.
    The date he provides, 12 September, refers to his unit’s withdrawal from the canal, after a
    period of confinement to its positions with no town leaves, “as students were demonstrat-
    ing against the ‘Russian occupiers’”; it arrived in the USSR “by the end of the month.”

  14. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 307.

  15. Interviewed in Vladimir Shunevich and Nadezhda Shunevich, “Sumev pomoch’ armii
    Egipta izbezhat’ porazheniya, na Rodine nashi voiny edva ne ugodili pod tribunal,” Fa kt y
    i kommentarii (Kiev), 22 March 2002,

  16. Latypov, “O druzhbe.”

  17. Meyden, “Na rasstoyanii.” Lt. Mishchenko, who was posted to Eg ypt in May 1971, also
    departed in August 1972 and thus was evidently in Mavrin’s unit. Temirova and Shunevich,
    “Vo vremya voyny.”

  18. Several Russian sources claim that the withdrawal was carried out by aircraft as well as
    ships, which began to arrive within a day or two of Sadat’s declaration. See, e.g., “Smirnov,”
    Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 283. This may refer to the planes that brought incoming advis-
    ers, as mentioned by Murzintsev, or to the removal of the Foxbats.

  19. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, p. 198.

  20. Shunevich and Shunevich, “Sumev pomoch’ armii Egipta.”

  21. Grachev, “Nebo.”

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