The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [270–275]^

  1. A later British assessment held that around twenty of the sixty Soviet MiG-21s were
    “handed over to the Eg yptians.” “Military Implications for NATO of the Soviet Withdrawal
    from Eg ypt,” undated but giving estimates for 5 October 1972, NA(PRO).

  2. The Israeli record of a flight on 16 May disproves the claim that “in March ’72 two planes
    were ordered back with first group of personnel, and the rest in April”; Bysenkov, “V
    20,000 metrakh.” More plausible but apparently inaccurate is the version that “MiG-25
    flights continued till June 1972,” in “MiG-25 i modifikatsii,” http://www.aviation-gb7.

  3. Andrey Pochtarev, “Blizhnevostochny triumf ‘letuchikh lisits,’” Krasnaya Zvezda,
    17 August 2002,;V. Yu. Markovsky,
    “MiG-25 nad Sinaem,” in Markovsky, “Idite v zemlyu egipetskuyu: Uchastie sovetskikh
    MiG-25RB v arabo-izrail’skoy voyne Sudnogo dnya 1973g.”

  4. N[o’am] Ofir, Heyl ha-Avir (IAF Magazine), 118 (December 1997),

  5. Urwick to MOD, 21 July 1972, 1230 GMT, NA(PRO).

  6. Abramov, Goluboe, p. 54

  7. Vladimir Babich, “Kak MiG-25 ushel ot ‘oblavy’ bolee 10 ‘Fantomov,’” Krasnaya Zvezda,
    24 February 1996,

  8. Volodin, “Na Izrail’.”

  9. Authorization signed by the acting commander of the 112th Infantry Brigade, 16 July
    1972, CDE-IHC 48/11.

  10. Murzintsev, Zapiski, pp. 6, 135–8.

  11. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 282. Cf. Krokhin, “Dubl.”

  12. FCO telegram 1031, British embassy, Cairo, to FCO, 0900 GMT, 18 July 1972, p. 2,

  13. Urwick to MOD, UK; unnumbered FCO telegram, 21 July 1972, 1230 GMT, NA(PRO).


  15. Truthfully enough, but in what seemed at the time as covering up a unilateral expulsion,
    the report attributed their repatriation to mutual agreement. Roger Leddington, AP
    Moscow, “Job Done in Eg ypt, as Tass Explains It,” Yonkers Herald-Statesman, 20 July 1972,
    p. 2.

  16. Dobrynin, Sugubo doveritel’no, p. 244.

  17. Lev Bausin, Spetssluzhby mira na Blizhnem Vostoke, Moscow: OLMA-Press, 2001, p. 207.

  18. Markovsky, “My gotovili voynu.”

  19. Pochtarev, “Blizhnevostochny triumf.”

  20. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, pp. 197, 519n357.

  21. FCO telegram D14, British defense attaché, Tel Aviv, to MOD, 20 July 1972, NA(PRO),
    based on talk with Col. Reuter, a liaison officer of the IDF spokesman.

  22. “Sisco–Rabin Conversation on Expulsion of Soviet Advisors,” Department of State tele-
    gram 135853, secretary of state to embassy Tel Aviv (and others), 27 July 1972, NARA,
    NSC Files, country files, ME–Israel, box 609.

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