The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [290–296]^

  1. Bar-Joseph, Angel, p. 140; p. 191 states that the planes’ arrival was detected only in “early

  2. AC, Shalev testimony, Part 2, pp. 101–2.

  3. AC, APR, vol. 1, p. 7, quoting Ze’ira at an ambassadors’ conference, 21 September 1973;
    final report, vol. 4, p. 1493, quoting Zei’ra on 17 September.

  4. AC, APR, vol. 1, pp. 60–1, 88–92.

  5. Bar-Joseph, Angel, pp. 168–9.

  6. Yoav Efrati, “1/72 AML Mirage IIIC: Israeli Recon,” Air Resource Center, http://www.–5100/gal5049_Mirage_Efrati/00.shtm; Bar-
    Joseph, Angel, p. 192. At least two were shot down by IAF counterparts during an Israeli
    attack on their base at Mansura.

  7. A.V. Yena, “Zashchishchaya nebo nad Egiptom,” in Meyer et al., To g d a, p. 136.

  8. FRUS N-XV, no. 25.


    1. The meeting was a few days after the Palestinian attack on the Israeli team at the Munich
      Olympics. The Soviets in Eg ypt felt “there was some concern—someone high up in the
      Eg yptian leadership feared Israeli retaliations, which was nonsense as Eg ypt had nothing
      to do with it.” “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, pp. 304–5.

    2. Primakov, Blizhniy Vostok, pp. 280–1.

    3. Chernyaev, Diary 1973, pp. 6–7.

    4. Bar-Joseph, Angel, p. 189; Bar-Joseph, The Watchman Fell Asleep: The Surprise of Yom
      Kippur and Its Sources, Tel Aviv: Zmora-Bitan, 2001, p. 166.

    5. Memorandum of conversation, Moscow, September 13, 1972. FRUS N-XV, no. 44.

    6. Intelligence memorandum, “The View from the Kremlin Three Months after the Summit,”
      13 September 1972. FRUS N-XV, no. 45.

    7. FCO, “Military Implications for NATO of the Soviet Withdrawal from Eg ypt,” undated
      but giving estimates for 5 October 1972, NA(PRO).

    8. Asher, Breaking the Concept, p. 113; unsourced.

    9. Chaim Herzog, The War of Atonement, London: Greenhill Books, 1998, pp. 21, 23; empha-
      sis added.

  10. Asher, Breaking the Concept, pp. 93–101. Badry, Ramadan War, pp. 19–20.

  11. Memorandum of conversation, Washington, 2 October 1972, FRUS N-XV, no. 55.

  12. Davar, 4 October 1972, p. 1.

  13. Davar, 1 October 1972, p. 1. On the same page, a first major Chinese loan to Eg ypt was

  14. Interview for Al-Hawadess, Beirut, reported in Davar, 6 October 1972, p. 1; Yisra’el
    Landress, Washington, Davar, 15 October 1972, p. 1.

  15. Henry Tanner, Cairo, “Soviet Reported to Pledge Some Arms Aid to Eg ypt,” NYT,
    20 October 1972, p. 2. The day before, the NYT had reported from Moscow that Sidqi
    returned “without any new public pledges of Soviet military or economic aid.” “Eg ypt’s
    Premier Ends Soviet Talk,” NYT, 19 October 1972, p. 7.

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