The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [336–340]^

advisers or the navy. It does state that “we have already expressed to you some of our own
considerations,” but the editors do not refer to any such previous document.

  1. Minutes of WSAG meeting, 7 October 1973, 6:06–7:06 p.m., FRUS N-XXV, no. 121.


    1. Opening remarks, Vartanov et al., Rukopozhatie, p. 5.

    2. Lt-Gen. A.D. Sidorov (chief of cadres in the USSR Ministry of Defense), “Dlya tekh, kto
      voeval,” Krasnaya Zvezda, 12 October 1989, p. 2, quoted in Staar, “Russia’s National
      Security Concept.” Syria is not listed for the same period.

    3. Posting by “Lishenets” (disenfranchised) in Novaya Gazeta readers’ forum, 27 October
      2004, responding to the Latynina article.

    4. Sonnenfeldt to Kissinger, “The Soviet Role,” 10 October 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 142.

    5. “In the last year before the war [the advisers’] areas of activity were apparently reduced to
      a minimum. Most of them left Eg ypt in the very last days before the war.” Haber, Schiff
      and Asher, Wa r, pp. 270–1.

    6. Kutsenko, “Pyl’ nad Suetskim Kanalom.”

    7. R.N. Bryukhovetsky, “Kutsenko, Viktor Pavlovich,” Alma Mater (website of the Military
      Engineering Institute),–1–0–321; widely reproduced

    8. Elena Kolosentseva, “Afganistan: Ty bol’ dushi moey,” Krasnaya Zvezda, 2 June 2009,

    9. “Yubiley Viktora Pavlovicha Kutsenko, 12.11.1992g.,” posted 29 January 2013, https://, at 54’. Eg ypt was not mentioned in another
      celebration of Kutsenko’s birthday ten years later;

  3. N. Solov’eva, “Poyushchiy general,” Metrostroyevets (weekly of the construction director-
    ate of the Moscow Metro), 3, 13077, 24 January 2003, http://udarnik-m.narod.

  4. Sidorov, “Dlya tekh, kto voeval.”

  5. Haber, Schiff and Asher, Wa r, p. 93.

  6. Janice Gross Stein, “The Failures of Deterrence and Intelligence,” in Parker, October War,
    p. 80; Ben-Porat, Kippur, p. 50. Badry (Ramadan War, p. 37) describes the “improve-
    ment” of the cannon by Eg yptian engineers in great detail, with no mention of their

  7. Oren, History, p. 125. Many crossing points were between Israeli strongpoints and were
    not observed.

  8. Akopov, transcript, pp. 34–5.

  9. Kohler, Gouré and Harvey, Soviet Union, pp. 39–40. Assad’s statement is quoted from
    The Economist, 3 November 1973, p. 62.

  10. Opening statement of G. Golan, “The Soviet Union and the Yom Kippur War,” in
    Kumaraswamy, Revisiting, p. 127. In a similarly titled essay thirteen years later, Golan still
    held that the USSR was “juggling interests” between détente and maintaining regional

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