The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [345–350]^

  1. Golan, Decision Making, pp. 709, 816. It later transpired that the ship had been hit in
    Tartus. Rozin, “Voyna sudnogo dnya,” Chapter 8.

  2. Latypov, “V efire”; Vasiliev, Rossiya na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke, pp. 111–12. IAF attacks
    on central Damascus began on 9 October, after Syrian Frog missiles hit an Israeli airbase;

  3. Evgeny Lashenko, interviewed in Komlev, “Voyna u piramid.”

  4. Razinkov, “Siriya: Goryachii oktyabr’.”

  5. Dudchenko, “Voyna Sudnogo dnya.” Peres became defense minister on 3 June 1974. We
    have not found such a statement in contemporary publications or the Knesset record, but
    Israeli censorship may have deleted them.

  6. “Sovetskie voennnye sovetniki, pogibshie v Sirii,”

  7. Interviewed in Igor’ Sofronov, “Kontrrazvedchik Leshchuk: Ot Sirii do Afgana,” Bol’shaya
    Vo l g a, 41, 22 November 2002.


    1. NSC/JCS meeting, FRUS N-XXV, no. 269.

    2. Excerpts published in Yedi’ot Ahronot, 12 September 2013; Bar-Lev’s son Omer (a former
      colonel, now an educator and member of Knesset), stated on Israel Radio the same day
      that Dayan clearly referred to the use of a nuclear weapon.

    3. Razinkov, “Siriya: Goryachiy oktyabr’.”

    4. Avner Cohen, “When Israel Stepped Back from the Brink,” NYT, 3 October 2013, http://
      html?ref=opinion&_r=0; Cohen, “Arnan ‘Sini’ Azaryahu,” http://www.wilsoncenter.

    5. Hersh, Samson Option, pp. 245ff.

    6. E.g., Michael Karpin, The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What It
      Means for the World, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006, p. 324.

    7. A[ndrey] Kokoshin et al., “Sderzhivanie vo vtorom yadernom veke,” Moscow: Institute for
      Problems of International Security, 2001.

    8. Aharon Granevich-Granot, “Chain Reaction,” Mishpacha magazine, 23 September 2009,
      p. 52. Tikochinsky’s position as commander of this sub may have been overstated by him-
      self or the interviewer. Since this is described as his first shipboard assignment after a mainly
      technical career on land in the nuclear-weapons field, his actual function may have been
      connected with the sub’s armament.

    9. Golan, Decision Making, p. 1145.

  9. Report by Bill Cockrell, “a Sovietologist second to none,” quoted in Zumwalt, On Watch,
    pp. 439–40.

  10. Vafa Guluzade, Sredi vragov i druzey, Baku: Azeribook, 2002, Chapter 1, http://modern-

  11. Markovsky, Idite v zemlyu Egipetskuyu. Except where otherwise sourced, the following
    account is based on this study.

  12. Aleksandr Minayev, “Polet nad Tel’-Avivom” (flight over Tel Aviv: thirty-five years ago, a

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