The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. Interdependence, Modernity, and Political Turmoil

(Joyce) #1
Index · 341

Enfant terrible image, 322
English culture, 4
La Epoka, 31–33, 35
Equality, 19, 24, 60, 175; gender, 116, 266;
ideals, 264
Eran, C., 272, 274, 277
Eraqi Klorman, Bat-Zion, 8, 125–37
Erbakan, Necmettin, 96n68
Eren, Halit, 59
Evil eye, 134
Executive Council of Australian Jewry
(ECAJ), 112
“Exile as Neurotic Solution,” 272

Facing the Forests (Yehoshua), 271, 273,
277–78, 281–82
Fahmī, Manṣūr, 255, 267n4
FAIR. See Forum on Australia’s Islamic
Faith: Affinity Interfaith Dialogue, 114;
Bible principles, 245; Talmud principles
of, 245. See also Religion
Family Reunification Law of 1972, 79
FAMSY. See Federation of Australian
Muslim Students and Youth
Farah, Najwā Qa ̔wār, 264
Farraggi, Vitali, 25
Faruq, King, 308
Al-Fassi, ̔Allal, 164–69
FDP. See Free Democratic Party
Federalism: Elazar on, 299–302, 305n37;
international problems application, 298;
Israeli-Palestinian conflict application,
299–300; Judaic basis, 298–99; Middle
East application, 299–300; thinking in
interreligious dialogue, 288, 297–98
Federalism and the Way to Peace (Elazar),
Federation of Australian Muslim Students
and Youth (FAMSY), 111
Feminism, 266
Fisher, Robert J., 289
Fiṭra, 258
Forum on Australia’s Islamic Relations
(FAIR), 113
Four communities. See Milel-i erba ̔a
Fraser, Malcolm, 98
Free Democratic Party (FDP), 83

Freemasons, 247
Free Officers Revolution, 308
French culture, 4
French Revolution, 300
Friedman, Michel, 83

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 261
Galilee, 276, 277–79, 284
Gaza, 290–91, 295–96, 315, 321
Gaza-Jericho Agreement, 315
Geertz, Clifford, 289
Geniza, 144
German Jews: citizenship, 77; German
Turks encountering, 89–90; German
Turks versus, 77–80; institutional struc-
tures, 84–86; master narrative for group
rights, 86–88; as minority, 76; overview,
74–75; racism and, 89; religious educa-
tion, 86; September 11, 2001 fallout,
80–84; synagogues, 76, 79, 86; today, 79;
trope, 88–89
German Turks: Arabs and, 80–81; child-
rearing, 85; educated middle-class, 89,
96n68; German Jews encountering,
89–90; German Jews versus, 77–80;
headscarf and, 86–87, 95n60; Jewish
institutional structures and, 84–86; Jew-
ish master narrative for group rights,
86–88; leaders, 75, 90n1; migration, 79;
overview, 74–75; parallel society, 85;
religious education, 86; September 11,
2001 fallout, 80–84; unemployment, 80
Germany: discrimination, 7, 80, 84; Ho-
locaust memorials, 77; Judeo-Muslim
connection in, 6–7; mosques in, 86;
Russian Jews, 79
Ghanem, Shukri, 322
Ghazal, 135
Gibb, H.A.R., 255, 263
Glasnost, 205
Al-Glawi, Madani, 148–49
Al-Glawi, Thami, 148–49
Goitein, Ashtor, 238
Goitien, Shlomo, 245
Goldenberg, Alfred, 150
Goldene medina, 99
“The Goldsmith and His Two Wives,” 281
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 205
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