342 · Index
Grassby, Al, 98
Great Arab Rebellion, 165
Greco-Ottoman War of 1897, 5; Jewish
allegiance during, 29–45; Salonica
prisoners, 35–37
Greece, 6, 49n36; Balkan Jews in, 58–60;
Balkan Muslims in, 58–60; indepen-
dence, 19
Greek Orthodox-Jewish relations, 6
Greek War of Independence (1821-1832),
Grinker, Yehuda, 155–56
Grossman, Meir, 168
Gueron, Angele, 57–58
Gülen, Fethulla, 115–16
Gulf War of 1991, 97, 102, 117
Gurevits, Z., 272, 274, 277
Gutnick, Yossi, 107
Gypsies, 67
Ha ̔apalah, 171n8
Habib, Zachino, 188
Habshush, Haim, 132
Ḥadith, 243
Hafyanah, Sa ̔id ̔Uraybi, 322
Hagana, 163, 171n7
Haifa, 276, 278–79, 284
Hajj, 313
Halakhah, 52
Ḥalāl, 87–88
Haluṣim, 155
Hamama, 135
Hamas, 14, 315
Ḥamdan, Jamal, 232–33
Ha-Nagid, Shmuel, 243
Harkavi, Yehoshafat, 229
Harrus, Elias, 153
Ḥasanen, Fu ̓ad ̔Ali, 234
Hassan II, 164, 170
Headscarf: Australia Muslims and, 102;
German Turks and, 86–87, 95n60; TBB
and, 85, 87
Hebrew language, 168, 194, 236–37
Hebrews, 233, 235
Here and now, 260–61
Al-Hilal, 228
Al Hilay, Taj al-Din, 107
Hirsch, Samuel, 152
Hirschberg, H. Z., 154
Hitler, Adolf, 165, 311
Hittites, 232, 235
Hizb ut-Tahrir, 110–11
Holocaust, 6, 75, 91n3, 104, 307; deniers,
320, 326n36, 327n37; Germany memori-
als, 77; Al-Islam rhetoric, 318–22
Holy Land, 231, 238, 296; constructive
vision for, 288; positive commitment
to, 301
Hosein, Imam Imran, 108
Howard, John, 98, 112, 116
Hughes, Joanne, 294
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission, 102
Huntington, Samuel P., 289, 302
Hürriyet, 83
Ḥussain, Ṭaha, 248, 255, 259, 268n13
Hussein, Saddam, 313
al-Ḥusseini, Hajj Amin, 12, 267n1
al-Ḥusseini, Isḥāq Mūsā, 12, 254–66
Husserl, Edmund, 261
Iancu, Carol, 62
Ibn Nagrila, 243
Ibn Qlas, Yaacov, 243
Ibn Shaprut, Hasdai, 243
Identity, 278; Bukharan Jews national,
212–13, 215; Bukharan Jews religious,
212–15; culture and, 296; Israel, 284;
religion and, 289, 296; transcendent,
Ideological Attack, 108
Idris, 186
Ifrane, 147–48
Immigration, 76–77; Australia policy,
97–98; Children of Israel, 235. See also
Imperial Lycée of Galatasaray, 21
Imperial Medical School, 21
Imperial Rescript, 19. See also Noble Re-
script of Gülhane
Independence Party of Morocco, 164
Inheritance laws, 130
Interethnic blinders, in Izmir, 38, 40
Interreligious dialogue: changing mutual
perceptions, 291; changing negative
attitudes, 294; evaluation, 293–94;