The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. Interdependence, Modernity, and Political Turmoil

(Joyce) #1

350 · Index

Sons of Moses, 233
Sorcery, 133–35
Sousa, Aḥmad, 237
South Africa, 294
Soviet Union: fall of, 312; Al-Qadhafi and,
Space, 270–71; as autonomy, 279; Jerusa-
lem of Yehoshua, 274–76, 283; restless
attitude toward, 277; Yehoshua areas,
Spanish Civil War, 165
Spanish culture, 4
Spitzer, Sigmund, 21
Stamboliyski, Aleksandar, 65
Steinberg, Gerald, 292
Stenhouse, Paul, 116
Stern, 74–75
Stillman, Norman A., 14
Stroumsa, Vitali, 25
Suicide bombings, 108
Suqs (markets), 9
Şura-yı-Devlet, 20
Synagogues, 34, 39; Balkan Jews, 55, 57,
68; Bukharan Jews, 207, 215; burning in
Australia, 104; burning in Turkey, 81;
German Jews, 76, 79, 86; Libyan Jews,
177, 180, 193; Morocco Jews, 145, 157n7;
proposed on Mt. Sinai, 295; Russia clos-
ing, 203; Yemeni Jews, 133

Tabib, Abraham, 133
Tabib, Zeharia, 136
Al-Ṭahṭawi, Rifa ̔a, 248
Tajikistan, 10, 200–202; civil war, 206, 212
Tajiks, 200–202
Al-Tajuri, Salim, 314
Talmud: commentaries, 238; principles of
faith, 245; schools, 240–41
MV Tampa, 102
Tanzimat, 19, 50n53
Al-Tastari, Abu Sa ̔d, 243
Ṭ ̔ayma, Ṣaber ̔Abd al-Rahman, 234
TBB. See Türkische Bund
Tekinalp, Moise Cohen, 25
Tel-Aviv, 275, 310
Le Temps, 57
Al-Thaqāfa, 262

Theatre of Power (Cohen, R.), 294
Thrace Committee, 65
Three Days and a Child (Yehoshua), 274
Tiberius Julius Alexander, 240
Tilpak, 202
Tito, 61
Torah scrolls, 134
Transcendent identity, 295–97
Treaty of Athens, 59
Treaty of Lausanne, 59
Treaty of Neuilly, 65
Tribal fanaticism. See ̔Asabiyya
Tribal society, 126–28, 233, 234, 238, 271
Ṭu ̔ayma, Ṣaber, 227, 242
Ṭu ̔ayma, Saber Abd el Rahman, 245
Tunisia, 3, 13, 315
Turan, Ömer, 5–6, 51–68
Turbans, 202
Turkey, 3; anti-Arab sentiment, 81; Balkan
Jews migrating to, 56–58, 65–67; Balkan
Muslims migrating to, 56–58, 64, 66–67;
Communist rule, 64; Iran and, 14; syna-
gogue burning, 81
Türkische Bund Berlin-Brandenburg
(TBB), 81–84; headscarf and, 85, 87
Turkish National Struggle, 64
Turkish War of Independence, 59
Turks, 52; in Bulgaria, 65; educational
system, 64. See also Balkan Muslims;
German Turks
Twin Towers attack of 2001, 117
Two arms of evil, 308, 324n3
Two Peoples One Land (Elazar), 299–300

Ulküsal, Müstecip, 64
̔Umar Convention, 241, 245
̔Umla relationship, 129
Umma, 110
Unemployment: Australia Muslims, 101;
German Turks, 80
UNFP. See Union Nationale des Forces
Union Nationale des Forces Populaires
(UNFP), 168
United Libyan Front, 188
United States (U.S.): Balkan Jews in, 61;
Bukharan Jews in, 10, 199, 203, 205, 209,
213, 220; Jewish farmers in, 145; Jewish
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