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enough stories about experience-obsessed companies such as Southwest Airlines,
cleaning products manufacturer Method, or the most innovative healthcare
providers, to know that CX and EX are related; emotional engagement among
employees tends to produce high customer engagement.
But they need to bring their own leadership experience into the mix. If
good CX is a trajectory of appealing touch points and good EX is like a social
movement in the way it inspires commitment, then good LX is a catalyst for
the rest of the enterprise. What leaders learn has a direct impact on the quality
of EX and CX, because everything that senior leaders say and do is amplified
throughout the organization as employees respond and comment. Employees
pay especially close attention to where those leaders pay attention, and they adjust
their own behavior accordingly. In this way, leaders can influence employees to
create the kind of company presence that attracts customers.
We call this approach “return on experience cubed,” or ROX^3 , because the
three forms of experience reinforce one another so strongly. A design that aligns
LX, CX, and EX can greatly improve all three forms of experience — and can
equip the organization for a more effective transformational journey. Indeed, re-
designing these three elements together is one of the most effective and scalable
ways to influence a company’s culture and shape its future.
The neuroscience of experience
Our understanding of the interrelationship among LX, EX, and CX is still
relatively new, but it derives from a number of well-established sources. These
Redesigning LX, EX, and CX together is
one of the most effective and scalable
ways to influence a company’s culture and
shape its future.

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