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In all these decisions, according to neuroscience research, people gravitate
toward one of two common patterns of mental activity. The more expedient,
short-term pattern (they call it the low ground) is associated with parts of the
brain that are activated by thoughts of what people want. You occupy the low
ground of your mind (the software of your thinking) and brain (the hardware
of your thinking) when you focus on satisfying wants: solving problems quickly,
making deals, or giving everyone what they ask for. Low ground thinking is
essential for success in many fields, including business.
But if you want to transcend the limits of your situation — for example,
to lead an organization toward change — you need the high ground of your
mind and brain. This is a more strategic, long term–oriented pattern of mental
activity. When you think about what other people are thinking, what they are
likely to do next, and what needs to happen for a truly positive long-range
outcome, you are occupying the high ground. This circuit is also associated
with regulating impulses, managing complexity, and looking at issues from
multiple perspectives.
Customers make high ground decisions, for example, when they become
attached to enterprises that benefit them in the long run. They might choose to
stay with a property insurance company that competes by responding quickly
and treating claimants fairly rather than competing purely on the price of
premiums. Employees make high ground commitments to a company when they
see that their bosses have a credible strategy for success, and they feel a connection
between their own skills and the company’s overall purpose. Leaders occupy
the high ground when they can look at their own enterprise with the perspective
of outsiders, including competitors, investors, regulators, business partners,
and potential employees, and use that broad awareness to set a stronger, more
sustainable direction for the company. Within the mind, the high ground is often
experienced as an inner voice, similar to that of a conscience or trusted source of
guidance, calling for the better behaviors and decisions that the enterprise needs.