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Accelerating the ROX momentum 717171
If you want to improve your high ground capabilities, three skills are useful:
strong executive function (managing impulses and mastering complexity),
mentalizing (thinking about what other people are thinking), and applied
mindfulness (becoming more aware of your own thinking and attention). If
your company can incorporate these practices in all three types of experience
— customer, employee, and leadership experience — a virtuous ROX circle
starts up. Each of the three types of experience accelerates the others and makes
your movement to high ground thinking happen more rapidly and easily (see “A
virtuous ROX circle”).
You can often see this virtuous circle happening, even when people don’t
consciously set it up. A well-run leadership retreat yields more clarity about the
Customers to formal leaders: Insight-driven business planning

  • STRATEGIC:Adapting and testing business models
    using in-depth insight into customer personas

  • Thinking ahead about what customers and competitors will do next

Employees to customers: Customer experience design

  • Earning loyalty through a consistently superior STRATEGIC:

  • customer trajectoryPushing insights to employees to enable

  • faster role-based actions Fostering co-innovation with strategic customers

Formal leaders to employees: Culture and talent strategy

  • Earning employee commitment and trustSTRATEGIC:

  • Connecting a few behaviors to brand and strategy

  • Building a company-wide movement ar ound ne w w ay s of w or k ing

High ground
Low ground

A virtuous ROX circle

Source: PwC analysis

A program for formal leader, employee, and customer experience can be designed to kick off this reinforcing process. It mixes the relatively fast-paced, transactional low ground, aimed at quick results (the inner circle) and long-range, strategic high ground activity, aimed at building the capacity
to create long-term value (the outer circle). Although the circle primarily moves clockwise, noteworthy influences move in the for example, the impact of customer responses on the efforts made by EX groups. other direction as well,

TRANSACTIONAL:Promoting employee
energy and compliant behavior through
rewards and recognition




TRANSACTIONAL:Rapid responses
to ad hoc research and pilot tests

TRANSACTIONAL: Purchasing loyalty
by “giving customers what they want”
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