Michael Speransky. Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 - Marc Raeff

(Chris Devlin) #1
(Broad categories and discussions of theoretical problems mentioned
throughout the book have not been listed)

Academy of Sciences 85, 86, 256, 353

Bible Society 241, 242, 255
Buddhism 255,271
Bureau of Court Bankers 83
Buriats (Buriat-Mongols) 246, 271

Cadet schools 60
"Charter for the Russian People" 23,
35, 37, 50, 193
Chief of Commission of Provisions 17,
Clergy - education of 4-7, 56,197,287,
336; situation of 1,4, 13-14,240-241,
287 (cf. Education, Alexandro Nevskii
Codification 126-127, 132-133, 360;
Baltic Code 328, 342; Civil code (1809)
68-70, 116, 321, 338; Code ot 1649
(Ulozhenie) 65,323 (cf. Alexis Mikhai-
lovich); Code of the Laws of the
Steppes 275; Commercial code 16-17,
67; Commissions on Codification
126-127, 313; Commission of 1767
126; Complete Collection of the Laws Qf
the Russian Empire (PSZ) 320, 325-326,
328-332, 343; Critical Journal of
Russian Legislation (Kriticheskii zhurnal
rossiiskogo zakonodatel'stva) 321; Digest
of Laws (Svod Zakonov) 320,323-324,
325, 332-340, 343, 356; Journal of
Legislation (Zhurnal Zakonodatel'stva)
321; Lithuanian Statute 340, 342 ;
Magdeburg Law 340; Siberian local
law 275-276, 341, 342; Second Section
of H. I. M. Own Chancery 320, 323-
325, 326, 340 (cf. Commission on
Laws, Napoleon).
Collegiate Assessor 15, 64
Collegiate Councillor 15
Commission on Ecclesiastical Schools
Commission for Financial Affairs 86, 87
Commissions on Laws 66, 67, 68, 116,
329 (cf. Codification).
Committee of 6 December 1826 290,

Continental System 85
Cossacks (Siberian) 269
Council otState 50, 68-69, 158, 160-162,
165, 176, 351, 353, 359, 360; civilian
& ecclesiastic affairs 50; financial
reform 87,92, 101; ministerial reform
113, 115, 116; organization of 152,
153, 156, 157, 158, 159; Decembrist
revolt 311; codification 70, 322, 338,
339; Department of State Economy'
87, 101, 116; Permanent Council
(Nepremennyisovet) 157,158 (c£ "Plan
of 1809")
Court Councillor 15
Decembrists 34, 41, 277, 281, 320, 353-
354, 355; cha~ter X; repercussioDl!
on intellectual life 353-354, 366; High
Court 314-316
Duma 147-148, 152, 219; State Duma
113, 150-1'51, 155-156; of the Steppe
273 (cf. "Plan of 1809", Local ad-
ministration) •

Economic views and policies 78-79, 85,
256-257; policies 101-102, 248-250,
251-252; Taxation 90-92, 104, 304;
ideas 52-54, 85-86, 93-94, 100-101,
257; agriculture 233, 248-249 (c£
"Finance Plan", Ministry of Finance,
Siberia, Local administration)
Education 56, 60; Speransky's 3, 7-13;
ecclesiastical 4-7, 8-9, 56-60; of
nobility 4, 60-63; of peasantry 349;
legal 327-328; Vladimir University
(Kiev) 348; Mixed Commission of
laymen & clergy 57; University
Statute of 1804 58; in Siberia 255 (cf.
Alexandro Nevskii seminary, Tsarskoe
Enlightenment - effect on Russian life
18,31,32; effect on Speransky 11-12,
154, 179-180, 205, 363, 364 (cf.
France, philosophes)

Free Economic Society 86
Free Masons 173-174, 180
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