Ministry of the Interior 50-51, 54,55,
68, 107, 108, 109, 130, 132, 360
(organization of 49, 108; Second
department 51; Statute 51; annual
reports 52);
Mirustry of Justice 55, 67, 109, 148,
Ministry of the Navy 108;
Ministry of Police 109;·
Ministry of the Treasury 109, 110
Ministry of War 108
(cf. Legislation, "Plari of 1809")
Natives - see Siberia
Nobility - privileges 31, 35, 36; Charter
of 1785 30, 32; service 4, 30, 64-65,
230, 286-287; situation of 19, 27,
196, 229-230, 231, 232-234, 293 (cf.
Education, Legislation, Local ad-
ministration, Peasantry, Moscow,
Saint Petersburg, Penza)
Officials (bureaucracy) 7, 16,20,25-26,
44, 45, 56, 60, 62, 63-65, 230, 270,
277, 291; attitudes & condition of
177-178, 182, 196, 231, 235-236, 286
(cf. Legislation, Local administration)
Peasantry - administration 288-289,
293-295; commune 303-304; educa-
tion 349; land tenure 91, 297-298,
304-305; legal definition of 336-337;
reform of 269, 305-306, 349-350;
situation of (rebellions) 104, 196-197,
229, 236-237, 272, 287, 301-302 (cf.
Nobility, Local administration, Serf-
Philosophes 11, 18, 31, 154, 324 (cf. En-
Physiocrats 18, 99, 101
Plans and Papers ofSperansky 119, 121,
Financial Plan (1809-1810) 86-87,
88-102, 116, 126, 184, 216;
"Fizika" 12,205-206;
"Fragment on the Commission of
Codification-Introduction" (1801-
1802) 126
Introduction to Lieutenancies (1821)
Memorandum and notes on serfdom
Plan for the Reorganization of the
Judiciary (1803) 213;
Plan of 1809 39, lI3, 137-153, 158-
160, 163, 164, 187,211,217, 218,
242, 288, 312-313; appendix to
chapter V (167-168);
"Preliminary rules for a special lycee"
Report of 1803 134;
"Report on the Establishment of
Judiciary and Governmental In-
stitutions in Russia" (1803) 129;
"Rules of the Art of Beautiful Speech"
Statute of Lieutenancies (draft) 289-
Statute on the administration of
provinces (draft) 290-294
Press 51-52, 291
Rechtsstaat 36, 65, 128, 134, 165,266-267,
Russian-American Company 257, 310
Saint Petersburg Journal (Sankt Peter-
burzhskii Zhurnal) 52, 86, 189, 291
Sejm (of Poland) 39,239
Senate 65, 68, 150, 152, 153, 157, 158,
327; early plans of reform 34-36, 44,
50; law school 60, 327; provinces 230,
231, 254, 283, 288; Decembrists 311;
archives 329;
Chancery of the Senate 19-20,22-23,
Procurator General of the Senate 15,
20, 22, 23, 28, 49
"Senatorial Party" 128,366; and reforms
34-37, 38, 44, 50, 106, 107, 128, 158;
Speransky's fall 172
Serfdom 30, 38, 122, 196-197, 295-296,
349, 350; Speransky's views and plans
125-126, 136-137, 296-303 (cf.
Peasantry, Local administration,
Slavophiles 156, 306, 350-351, 362
Statisticheskii Vestnik 86
Table of Ranks 63-64
Tariff of 1810 78-79
"Unofficial Committee" 128, 172, 360;
and reforms 34, 37, 38, 41-43, 44-45,
46, 50, 54, 106-107, 128-129, 133,
136, 157-158
Western Slavs 85, 355
Zemskii SObOT 155
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)