The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


  1. J. Petkevičius, Survey of operational information about the Lithuanian SSR
    KGB’s service activity, 22 July 1983: ibid., K-1/3/776, pp. 1–8.

  2. Excerpt from Politburo meeting, 25 July 1980: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers
    (HIA), reel 18.

  3. Z. F. Osipov, Report on agent-operational work and work with cadres of the
    3rd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB (n.d.): ibid., K-1/3/781, pp. 4–5
    and 7.

  4. Plan for agent network operational measures for 1982, signed by M. Misiu-
    konis, 3 December 1981: ibid., K-1/3/769.

  5. J. Petkevičius: excerpt from plan to deal with Mossad’s subversive activity,
    18 August 1982: ibid.

  6. Report: ‘Mezhdunarodnye svyazi Litovskoi SSR v 1984 godu’: ibid., K-1/3/783.

  7. Z. F. Osipov, Report on agent-operational work and work with cadres of the
    3rd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB (n.d.): ibid., K-1/3/781, p. 21.

  8. A. P. Rupshis, Report-memorandum on the results of the counter-
    intelligence activity of the 2nd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB for
    1983: ibid., K-1/3/779, p. 5.

  9. ‘Mezhdunarodnye svyazi Litovskoi SSR v 1984 godu’: ibid., K-1/3/783, pp.
    1–3 and table 1.

  10. Z. F. Osipov, Report on agent-operational work and work with cadres of the
    3rd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB (n.d.): ibid., K-1/3/781, p. 10; Z.
    F. Osipov (3rd Department of 4th Administration of the Lithuanian KGB),
    report, 7 December 1984: ibid., K-1/3/782.

  11. Z. F. Osipov, Report on agent network operational work and work with
    cadres of the 3rd Department of the 2 Administration of the Lithuanian
    KGB, 21 January to 29 December 1984, p. 10: ibid., K-1/3/781.

  12. Yu. V. Andropov, ‘Otchët o rabote Komiteta gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti
    SSSR za 1981 god’, pp. 2–3 and 6–8: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers (HIA), reel

  13. A. N. Gorbachëv of DOSAAF of the USSR, report on the planned ‘Baltika’
    car rally, 11 April 1983: KGB Lithuanian SSR (HIA), K-1/3/775.

  14. Z. F. Osipov, Report on agent-operational work and work with cadres of the
    3rd Department of the Lithuanian SSR KGB (n.d.): ibid., K-1/3/781, p. 18.

  15. ‘Basic Rules of Behaviour for Soviet Citizens Travelling to Capitalist and
    Developing Countries’, July 1979: RGASPI, f. 89, op. 31, d. 7, pp. 1–8.

8: NATO and Its Friends

1 Internal FCO memo by Planning Staff, ‘The Management of East–West
Relations’, 2 May 1980, p. 3. I am grateful to Sir Rodrick Lyne for sharing this

  1. A. Dobrynin, In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to America’s Cold War
    Presidents, p. 430.

  2. The Reagan Diaries Unabridged, vol. 1, p. 277 (20 October 1983).

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