The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

written notes), New York City, 29 July 1985, p. 1: William J. Casey Papers
(HIA), box 310, folder 10.

  1. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 28 October 1985: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    Papers (HIA), box 5.

  2. N. S. Leonov, Likholet’e, pp. 283–5.

  3. Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate, An Assessment of the
    Aldrich H. Ames Espionage Case and Its Implications for U.S. Intelligence:
    Report, pp. 2, 11, 19, 26, 53 and 62–3.

  4. W. J. Casey, Remarks before World Affairs Council (draft notes), Pittsburgh,
    PA, 29 April 1985, p. 5: William J. Casey Papers (HIA), box 310, folder 1.

  5. F. Ermath, draft speech written for W. J. Casey, 16 May 1986, pp. 3 and 12:
    ibid., box 311, folder 11.

  6. ‘Gorbachev: Steering the USSR Into the 1990s’,pp. v–ix: CIA Papers.

  7. R. M. Gates to F. C. Carlucci, 15 January 1987, introducing National Intelli-
    gence Council report on ‘Soviet and Other Foreign Reactions to a
    Zero-Ballistic Missile World’ (see especially p. 32): RRPL, Executive Secre-
    tariat, NSC: NSDD, Records, box 91297, NSDD 250.

  8. ‘Whither Gorbachev? Soviet Policy and Politics in the 1990s: National Intel-
    ligence Estimate’, November 1987, pp. 6, 8, 12 and 17: CIA Papers.

  9. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 238: R. M. Gates,
    ‘Gorbachev’s Endgame: The Long View’, 24 November 1987, pp. 2–5.

  10. M. Gorbachëv, Perestroika i novoe myshlenie dlya nashei strany i vsego mira.

  11. Hearings before the Subcommittee on National Security Economics of the
    Joints Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, April 13 and 21,
    1988, pp. 71–2 and 78: National Security Archive, End of Cold War series,
    box A1.

  12. Intelligence Research Report, no. 183, 9 September 1988, p. 1 and appendices
    1 and 2: National Security Archive, Soviet Flashpoints series, box 37.

  13. Memorandum of dinner conversation, 18 September 1987, p. 5: RRPL,
    Nelson Ledsky Files, RAC, box 8.

  14. CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency, Gorbachev’s Economic Program: Prob-
    lems Emerge (n.p., 1988), p. 12 and table 9: National Security Archive, Soviet
    Flashpoints series, box 37.

  15. D. MacEachin to R. Kerr, memo, 27 September 1988: CIA Papers.

  16. W. J. Casey, draft speech to CSIS International Councillors on Soviet Political
    Developments, 16 May 1986, p. 11: William J. Casey Papers (HIA), box 311,
    folder 11.

  17. See for example V. M. Chebrikov, ‘O rezul’tatakh raboty po preduprezh-
    deniyu terroristicheskikh proyavlenii na territorii SSSR’, 11 January 1988,
    pp. 1–5: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers (HIA), reel 18.

  18. R. M. Gates, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents
    and How They Won the Cold War, pp. 410–11.

  19. C. Hill, notes on ‘1987: Shultz–Gates meeting after Gates became acting DCI’,
    pp. 12–13, for G. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph, folder: Soviet Union, 1986–
    1987, Charles Hill Papers (HIA), box 67.

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