The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

and Eastern Europe 66, 76
elected President (1981) 13, 14
and expansion of military expenditure
19, 22
and Geneva summit (1985) 150–60,
152–9, 161
and Gorbachëv 4, 5, 172, 251, 252, 253,
298–9, 321, 356–7, 496–7
and Haig 36
health concerns 252
horse-riding fall (1989) 252
and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty negotiations 285–6, 292
and Iran–Contra scandal (1986) 235,
and Kohl 310
leadership credentials 16–17
and Libyan raid (1986) 184
marriage 13
and Moscow summit (1988) 298–300
and nuclear disarmament and arms
reduction 3, 4, 5, 15–16, 18,
20–1, 34, 109, 114, 115, 138, 141,
152–3, 156–7, 158, 161, 172, 174,
188–9, 228, 244, 296, 496, 497–8
Orlando speech (1983) 43–4
and Polish crisis 69
political philosophy and approach 14,
reaction to Gorbachëv’s declaration on
eliminating nuclear weapons
170, 171–2
and reading 16–17
and Reykjavik summit (1986) 209–18,
221–2, 224
seen as a warmonger 33, 34
and Shevardnadze 154, 251–3
and Shultz 159, 249
Soviet policy 19–20, 21–2, 102
Springfield speech (1988) 294
and Strategic Defense Initiative 4,
44–5, 86, 138, 147, 157, 159, 172,
186, 188, 192, 197–8, 200, 203,
208, 213, 216, 217, 222, 228, 274,
295, 497
and Thatcher 7–8, 89–90, 114, 222–3,

302, 303, 365
and US–Soviet trade relations 161–2
visit to China (1984) 94
visit to West Berlin and Brandenburg
Gate speech 320–1
and Washington summit (1987) 290–2
and Weinberger 38, 197
wins second term in office (1984) 109
Reaganauts 34–42
Red Brigades 88
Regan, Don 144–5, 202–3, 235
Reykjavik summit (1986) 206, 209–18,
221, 222–4, 423
Ridgway, Rozanne 231, 272
Robinson, Peter 320
Rockefeller, David 364
Rogers, Bernard 25
Romania 61–2, 72, 188, 315, 316, 323, 328,
400, 403, 428–9
Ceauşescu’s oppressive regime 74
protests (1989) 410
relations with USSR 74–5, 319–20
uprising against Ceauşecu and collapse
of communism (1989) 429
see also Ceauşescu, Nicolae
Romanov, Grigori 133
Romerstein, Herb 263
Rostow, Eugene 41–2
Rowen, Harry 176
Rowny, Ed 42, 114, 139, 171, 174, 295,
Rusakov, Konstantin 95
Russia 498
relations with US 498, 499–500
Rust, Mathias 245–6, 348
Ryzhkov, Nikolai 44, 58, 128, 129, 185,
199, 316, 327, 332, 344, 358, 371,
446, 457, 480

Sachs, Jeffrey 485
Saddam Hussein 383–4, 463, 470, 473,
Sagan, Carl 31
Sagdeev, Roald 193
Sajūdis 454, 455, 459
Sakharov, Andrei 110, 236, 271–2, 317
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