The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


Strategic Defense Initiative (Cont.)
attitude to among West European
leaders 301
hostility towards by other governments
Reagan’s commitment to see Reagan,
slacking of Soviet combativeness over
277–8, 289, 291
Weinberger’s strident advocacy of 45,
145, 192, 199, 228–9, 238–9,
working on rival programme by Soviets
274–5, 276, 277
Štrougal, Lubomír 323
summits (US–Soviet)
Camp David (1990) 442–4
Geneva (1985) 122–4, 127, 141, 150–9,
161, 169
Helsinki (1990) 463–4
Malta (1989) 375, 416, 417, 418, 420–5,
428, 458
Moscow (1988) 292, 296–300, 301
Reykjavik (1986) 206, 209–18, 221,
222–4, 423
Washington (1987) 270, 271, 277, 282,
290–5, 323, 342
Suslov 66, 67, 68–9
Sweden 99
Syria 383, 499

Taiwan 93, 94
Tarasenko, Sergei 470, 471, 473, 474,
Tbilisi massacre (1989) 370–1, 456–7, 466,
467, 468
technological transfer, embargo system on
47, 48, 140, 178–9, 239, 309, 311,
323 see also jamming, radio and TV
telebridges 273
Teller, Edward 18, 31, 45, 271–2, 276
Teltschik, Horst 413, 441–2
Thatcher, Margaret 7, 57, 85, 124, 180,
237, 253, 303–4
anticommunism 308
and Bush 365

and Chernenko 110
and coup against Gorbachëv 491
and German reunification 407–8, 414,
423, 428
and Gorbachëv 112–14, 182, 303–8,
309, 311–12, 371, 406
Gorbachëv’s meeting with (1989) 254
and Kohl 124, 407, 428
and Mitterrand 222–3
and nuclear disarmament 89–90, 222,
230, 303, 305, 311
opposition to providing financial
credits to USSR 446
reaction to Gorbachëv’s January 1986
declaration on nuclear weapons
reaction to Reykjavik summit 222–3
and Reagan 7–8, 89–90, 114, 222–3,
302, 303, 365
and Strategic Defense Initiative 89–90,
193, 223–4
talks with Soviet leaders 110
visit to Moscow (1987) 304–7
visit to Poland (1988) 308
Tikhonov, Nikolai 104, 107, 119, 120, 133
Tito, Josip Broz 75, 324
travel permits (USSR) 81, 82–3, 272
Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms (START)
296, 488–9
Trilateral Commission 364
troop movements, inspections of 203–4
Trudeau, Pierre 91, 110, 207
Tsygichko, Vitali 28, 30
Tuczapski, Tadeusz 29
Turkmenistan 63
TV jamming, see jamming, radio and TV

Ukraine 79, 489, 499
independence (1991) 494
Union Treaty 489–90, 493
United States
and Afghan war 329, 334–5
balance of trade deficit 48
and Baltic states 452, 456
congressional elections (1986) 230
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