Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Portugal- Spain, Treaty of Aloaçoves, Sep. 4, 1479, art. 8, in ibid., 33– 48; and
    Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 683– 90.

  2. Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 649– 53.

  3. Muldoon, Popes, 136.

  4. See Inter Caetera, May 3, 1493, in Davenport, ed., E u r o p e a n T r e a t i e s , 56– 63; and
    Inter Caetera, May 4, 1493, in ibid., 71– 78; and Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 2, 103– 9.

  5. Muldoon, Popes, 136– 39.

  6. Portugal- Spain, Treaty of Tordesillas, July 2, 1494, in Charles Gibson, ed., Th e
    Spanish Tradition in America (New York: Harper and Row, 1968), 42– 51; Daven-
    port, ed., E u r o p e a n T r e a t i e s , vol. 1, 84– 100; and Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 2, 110– 16.

  7. Portugal- Spain, Treaty of May 7, 1495, in Davenport, E u r o p e a n T r e a t i e s , vol. 1,
    101– 6.

  8. Portugal- Spain, Treaty of Saragossa, Apr. 22, 1529, in ibid., 185– 97; and Grewe,
    ed., Fontes, vol. 2, 117– 34.

  9. See Barry Nicholas, An Introduction to Roman Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
    1962), 115– 40.

  10. On possession ceremonies, see Lauren Benton and Benjamin Straumann, “Ac-
    quiring Empire by Law: From Roman Doctrine to Early Modern Eu ro pe an Practice,”
    28 Law and History Review 1– 38 (2010), 31– 35.

  11. Fernández- Armesto, Before Columbus, 212.

  12. Lewis Hanke, Th e Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America
    (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1949), 25– 26.

  13. J. H. Parry, Th e Spanish Th eory of Empire in the Sixteenth Century (Ca mbridge:
    Cambridge University Press, 1940), 38.

  14. D. A. Brading, Th e First America: Th e Spanish Monarchy, Creole Patriots, and
    the Liberal State 1492– 1867 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 81.

  15. See Patricia Seed, Ceremonies of Possession in Eu rope’s Conquest of the New
    Worl d , 1492– 16 4 0 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 73– 94.

  16. Anthony Pagden, Lords of All the World: Ideologies of Empire in Spain, Britain
    and France c. 1500– c. 1800 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995), 91.

  17. Stephen Greenblatt, Marvelous Possessions: Th e Wonder of the New World (Ox-
    ford: Clarendon Press, 1991), 98.

  18. Gibson, ed., Spanish Tradition, 58– 60.

  19. Hanke, Spanish Struggle, 35.

  20. Seed, Ceremonies, 98– 99.

  21. Brading, First America, 30– 31. For the view that the requerimiento was not em-
    ployed on that occasion, see Seed, Ceremonies, 98– 99.

  22. J. H. Parry, Th e Spanish Seaborne Empire (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966), 124.

  23. Muldoon, Popes, 14 0 – 43.

  24. Hanke, Spanish Struggle, 111– 12.

  25. Richard Tuck, Th e Rights of War and Peace: Po liti cal Th ought and the Interna-
    tional Order from Grotius to Kant (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 72– 73.

502 Notes to Pages 109–115
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