Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. On the northeastern crusades, see ibid., 322– 75; and Eric Christianson, Th e
    Northern Crusades (London: Penguin, 1980).

  2. Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 363– 64.

  3. Muldoon, Popes, 112.

  4. Housley, Later Crusades, 362– 65; and Muldoon, Popes, 118 – 19.

  5. François L. Ganshof, Th e Middle Ages: A History of International Relations,
    trans. Rémy Inglis Hall (New York: Harper and Row, 1970), 142.

  6. Ibid., 154– 55.

  7. J. R. S. Phillips, Th e Medieval Expansion of Eu rope, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Clarendon
    Press, 1998), 46.

  8. Ganshof, Middle Ages, 143 – 4 4.

  9. Tunis- Venice, Treaty of Commerce, 1251, in Grewe, ed., Fontes, vol. 1, 370– 74.

  10. A. P. Th ornton, Doctrines of Imperialism (New York: John Wiley and Sons,
    1965), 135– 36.

  11. On the papal eff orts to limit Christian trade with Muslims, see Eliyahu Ashtor,
    Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press,
    1983), 17– 63.

  12. Robert S. Lopez and Irving W. Raymond, Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean
    World: Illustrative Documents Translated with Introductions and Notes (London: Ox-
    ford University Press, 1955), 333– 35.

  13. Th ornton, Doctrines, 135.

  14. Housley, Later Crusades, 37.

  15. Canon Ad Liberandum, Fourth Lateran Council, in Brundage, ed., Crusades,

  16. Ashtor, Levant Trade, 19.

  17. Ibid., 47.

  18. Ieuan Griffi ths, Th e African Inheritance (London: Routledge, 1995), 23.

  19. Anthony Pagden, Peoples and Empires: Eu ro pe ans and the Rest of the World,
    from Antiquity to the Present (London: Phoenix Press, 2001), 19.

  20. Felipe Fernández- Armesto, Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonisation
    from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229– 1492 (London: Macmillan, 1987),
    232– 33.

  21. Ibid., 212– 13.

  22. Ernest Nys, Les origines du droit international (Brussels: Alfred Castaigne,
    1894), 370.

  23. Joseph F. O’Callaghan, “Castile, Portugal, and the Canary Islands: Claims and
    Counterclaims, 1344– 1479,” 24 Viator 287– 310 (1993), 305.

  24. Romanus Pontifex, Jan. 6, 1455, in Frances G. Davenport, ed., E u r o p e a n T r e a t i e s
    Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies, vol. 1 (Washington,
    DC: Carnegie Institution, 1917), 9– 26.

  25. Inter Caetera, Mar. 13, 1456, in ibid., 27– 32.

Notes to Pages 103–109 501

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