Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Vitoria, “On the Power of the Church (I),” in Po liti cal Writings, 83– 86.

  2. In support of this position, see Francisco Suárez, Th e Th ree Th eological Virtues,
    in Selections from Th ree Works of Franicsco Suárez, trans. Gwladys L. Williams, Ammi
    Brown, and John Waldron (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1944 [1621]), 746.

  3. Brading, First America, 131.

  4. Muldoon, Americas, 96– 109.

  5. Hanke, Spanish Struggle, 111– 12.

  6. Ibid., 112.

  7. Vitoria, “On the American Indians,” in Po liti cal Writings, 243– 46.

  8. Ibid., 251– 77.

  9. Ibid., 269– 71.

  10. Ibid., 277– 91.

  11. Ibid., 289.

  12. Vitoria, “On Dietary Laws, and Self- Restraint,” in Po liti cal Writings, 226– 27.

  13. Vitoria, “On the American Indians,” 291– 92.

  14. See Chapter 1.

  15. Hanke, Spanish Struggle, 25– 26.

  16. See ibid., 16– 19.

  17. Lewis Hanke, All Mankind Is One: A Study of the Disputation between Bar-
    tolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda in 1550 on the Intellectual and Reli-
    gious Capacity of the American Indians (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University
    Press, 1974), 100.

  18. Anthony Pagden, Th e Fall of Natural Man: Th e American Indians and the Ori-
    gins of Comparative Ethnology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 38.

  19. Brian P. Copenhaver and Charles B. Schmitt, Re nais sance Philosophy (Ox ford:
    Oxford University Press, 1992), 113– 14.

  20. Brading, First America, 80– 81.

  21. Paul III, Sublimis Deus Sic Dilexit, in Gibson, ed., Spanish Tradition, 104– 5. See
    also Hanke, All Mankind, 17– 22.

  22. Ha n ke, Spanish Struggle, 112– 13.

  23. Vitoria, “On the American Indians,” 290– 91.

  24. Mu ldoon, Americas, 38– 65.

  25. See, to this eff ect, Suárerz, Th eological Virtues, 741– 43.

  26. Vitoria, “On the American Indians,” 284– 85.

  27. Ibid., 285.

  28. Lewis Hanke, Spanish Struggle, 150.

  29. Ibid., 17– 18.

  30. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, “Just War against Barbarians,” trans. Charles Gib-
    son, in Gibson, ed., Spanish Tradition, 113 – 20.

  31. Pagden, Peoples and Empires, 77– 78.

  32. Lewis Hanke, Aristotle and the American Indians: A Study in Race Prejudice in
    the Modern World (London: Hollis and Carter, 1959), 28– 37.

Notes to Pages 115–121 503

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