Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Vattel, Law of Nations, 9a– 10a.

  2. Ibid., 271– 72

  3. See Chapter 2.

  4. Vattel, Law of Nations, 279– 312.

  5. For developments in the nineteenth century in draft ing a code of rules on the
    conduct of war, see Chapter 8.

  6. On Martens, see La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 169– 81; and H. Bailby,
    “Georges- Frédéric de Martens,” in Pillet, ed., Fondateurs, 603– 76.

  7. George Fréderic de Martens, Précis du droit des gens moderne de l’Eu rope fondé
    sur les traités et l’usage, 2nd French ed. (Göttingen: Dieterich, 1801 [1785]), 18.

  8. Ibid., 23.

  9. Ibid., 7.

  10. Ibid., 7– 8, 12– 14.

  11. Ibid., 11– 12.

  12. Ibid., 106– 7.

  13. Ibid., 106– 9.

  14. Ibid., 9.

  15. See Chapter 6.

  16. For contemporary studies of the phenomenon, see Mably, Droit public, vol. 2,
    260– 411; and Mathieu- Antione Bouchaud, Th éorie des traités de commerce entre les
    nations (Paris: Duchesne, 1777).

  17. Netherlands- Spain, Truce of Apr. 9, 1609, 5(2) Dumont 99.

  18. Netherlands- Spain, Treaty of Peace, Jan. 30, 1648, 1 CTS 1, art. 60.

  19. England- Netherlands, Treaty of Apr. 5, 1654, 3 CTS 225, art. 24.

  20. See, for example, Netherlands- Spain, Treaty of Peace, Jan. 30, 1648, 1 CTS 1, art.
    60; France- Spain, Treaty of the Pyrenees, Nov. 7, 1659, 5 CTS 325, art. 27; and France-
    Netherlands, Treaty of Apr. 27, 1662, 7 CTS 139, art. 17. See also, to the same general
    eff ect, England- Spain, Treaty of Peace and Friendship, May 23, 1667, 10 CTS 63, art. 3;
    and England- Spain, Treaty of July 18, 1670, 11 CTS 383, art. 14.

  21. Bynkershoek, Questions, 133– 34.

  22. See Chapter 2.

  23. England- Spain, Treaty of Peace and Friendship, May 23, 1667, 10 CTS 63,
    art. 38.

  24. See Chapter 2.

  25. See Chapter 3.

  26. J. K. Oudendijk, Status and Extent of Adjacent Waters: A Historic Orientation
    (Leiden: Sijthoff , 1970), 34– 35.

  27. Percy E. Corbett, Law in Diplomacy (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University
    Press, 1959), 118– 20; and Wyndham L. Walker, “Territorial Waters: Th e Cannon Shot
    Rule,” 22 BYBIL 210– 31 (1945).

  28. On the physiocrats, see Stephen C. Neff , Friends but No Allies: Economic Liber-
    alism and the Law of Nations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), 30– 33.

514 Notes to Pages 197–206

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