Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, in ibid., 93– 130, 104. (Emphasis in the original.)

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid., 120, fn.

  4. Georg Jellinek, L’État moderne et son droit, vol. 1, trans. Georges Fardis (Paris:
    V. Giard et E. Brière, 1911), 562.

  5. Robert Axelrod, Th e Evolution of Cooperation (New York: Basic, 1984). See
    Chapter 1.

  6. Hersch Lauterpacht, Private Law Sources and Analogies of International Law
    (London: Longmans, Green, 1927), 74.

  7. See, to this eff ect, Hall, Tre a t i s e , 283– 84.

  8. See, for example, Calvo, Droit international, vol. 1, 386– 411. See also Panayis A.
    Papaligouras, Th éorie de la société internationale (Zürich: Éditions Polygraphiques,
    1941), 279– 316.

  9. See, for example, Wheaton, Elements, 95– 129; Hall, Tre a t i s e , 294, 303– 5; and
    Funck- Brentano and Sorel, Précis, 212– 23. For a survey of state practice in this area,
    see Calvo, Droit international, vol. 1, 238– 308.

  10. See, for example, T. J. Lawrence, Th e Principles of International Law, 3rd ed.
    (Boston: D. C. Heath, 1905), 119– 21.

  11. See Chapters 4 and 5.

  12. For an especially strong assertion of the thesis, see Alphonse Rivier, Principes
    des droits des gens, vol. 1 (Paris: A. Rousseau, 1896), 253– 407.

  13. See J. L. Brierly, Th e Basis of Obligation in International Law, and Other Papers
    (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958), 3– 9.

  14. Th omas Aquinas, Summa Th eologica, in Po liti cal Writings, ed. R. W. Dyson
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 [ca. 1270]), 117– 18.

  15. See, for example, Hall, Tre a t i s e , 265– 71; and Oppenheim, vol. 1, International
    Law, 177– 81.

  16. Westlake, International Law, vol. 1, 306– 9.

  17. Sereni, Italian Conception, 233– 34.

  18. Hefft er, Droit international, 56– 69; Wheaton, Elements, 81– 82, 95– 129; Calvo,
    Droit international, vol. 1, 309– 11; Hall, Tre a t i s e , 45– 58; and Oppenheim, Interna-
    tional Law, vol. 1, 158– 59.

  19. See, for example, Wheaton, Elements, 81– 82; and Calvo, Droit international,
    vol. 1, 309– 11.

  20. Ashburton to Webster, July 28, 1842, 30 BFSP 195– 200, 196.

  21. Webster to Fox, Apr. 24, 1841, 29 BFSP 1129– 39, 1137– 38.

  22. See Chapter 5.

  23. Oppenheim, “Science,” 335– 36.

  24. See Chapter 9.

  25. See, for example, Carl Bergbohm, Staatsverträge und Gesetze als Quellen des
    Völkerrechts (Dorpat: C. Matthiesen, 1877), 20; Jellinek, L’ É t a t m o d e r n e , vol. 1, 560;
    and Oppenheim, International Law, vol. 1, 4.

520 Notes to Pages 241–249
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