Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. On Boissonade’s career in Japan, see ibid., 176– 78. On the Taiwan expedition,
    see Marius B. Jansen, Th e Making of Modern Japan (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Uni-
    versity Press, 2000), 423– 24; and Stern, Japa nese Interpretation, 118 – 24.

  2. See Chapter 3.

  3. Stanford J. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey. Empire of
    the Gazis: Th e Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280– 1808, vol. 1 (Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press, 1976), 29– 30.

  4. France– Ottoman Empire, Draft Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Feb. 1536, in J.
    C. Hurewitz, Th e Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: A Documentary Re-
    cord, 2nd ed., vol. 1 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1975), 1– 6. See also Shaw,
    History, vol. 1, 97– 98.

  5. France- Turkey, Capitulations, May 28, 1740, 36 CTS 41. On the eventual abroga-
    tion of the capitulations in 1923, see Chapter 9.

  6. China- Russia, Treaty of Peace and Boundaries, Oct. 21, 1727, 33 CTS 23, art. 4.
    See also Hsü, China’s Entrance, 139– 40.

  7. China– Great Britain, Treaty of Nanking, Aug. 28, 1842, 93 CTS 465. On the
    actual legal character of the “Opium War” as an armed reprisal rather than as a true
    war, see Chapter 6.

  8. Westel W. Willoughby, Foreign Rights and Interests in China, 2nd ed. (Balti-
    more, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1927), 558– 59.

  9. China– U.S.A., Treaty of Wanghia, July 3, 1844, 97 CTS 105, arts. 21, 24, 25;
    China- France, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, Oct. 24, 1844, 97
    CTS 375, arts. 25, 27, 28; and China- Sweden, Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Com-
    merce, Mar. 20, 1847, 100 CTS 445, arts. 21, 24, 25.

  10. For a full list, see Th omas F. Willard, Th e End of Extraterritoriality in China
    (Shanghai: A.B.C. Press, 1931), 26.

  11. See China- Peru, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, Jun 26, 1874,
    148 CTS 35, arts. 12– 14; Brazil- China, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Naviga-
    tion, Oct. 3, 1881, 159 CTS 103, arts. 2– 3; China- Mexico, Treaty of Amity and Com-
    merce, Dec. 14, 1899, 188 CTS 203, arts. 2– 3; and China- Japan, Treaty of Commerce
    and Navigation, July 21, 1896, 183 CTS 152, arts. 20– 22.

  12. Great Britain– Siam, Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, Apr. 18, 1855, 113
    CTS 83, art. 2.

  13. See Siam– U.S.A., Treaty of Amity and Commerce, May 29, 1856, 115 CTS 111,
    art. 2; France- Siam, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, Aug. 15, 1856,
    115 CTS 391, arts. 8– 9; Denmark- Siam, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Naviga-
    tion, May 21, 1858, 119 CTS 71, arts. 9– 10; Italy- Siam, Treaty of Commerce and Navi-
    gation, Oct. 3, 1868, 138 CTS 123, art. 9; and Spain- Siam, Treaty of Friendship, Navi-
    gation and Commerce, Feb. 23, 1870, 141 CTS 51, arts. 6– 7.

  14. Japan– U.S.A., Treaty on Rights of American Citizens in Japan, June 17, 1857, 117
    CTS 43. See also F. C. Jones, Extraterritoriality in Japan and the Diplomatic Relations
    Resulting in Its Abolition (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1931), 1– 70; and

Notes to Pages 315–317 531
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