Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. See Manley O. Hudson, Th e Permanent Court of International Justice, 1920–
    1942: A Treatise (New York: Macmillan, 1943), 80– 84.

  2. See Chapter 7.

  3. Convention for the Establishment of a Central American Court of Justice, Dec.
    20, 1907, 206 CTS 78. On the court, see Nicolas Politis, La justice internationale (Paris:
    Hachette, 1924), 139– 55.

  4. William Spence Robertson, Hispanic- American Relations with the United
    States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1923), 134.

  5. Nicaragua– U.S.A., Bryan- Chamorro Treaty, Aug. 5, 1914, 220 CTS 215.

  6. L a rs Schou lt z , Beneath the United States: A History of U.S. Policy toward Latin
    America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), 224– 27.

  7. Rudyard Kipling, “Recessional” (1897).

  8. For existing writing on the subject, see William Everett Kane, Civil Strife in
    Latin America: A Legal History of U.S. Involvement (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
    University Press, 1971); and Andrew Graham- Yooll, Imperial Skirmishes: War and
    Gunboat Diplomacy in Latin America (Oxford: Signal, 2002).

  9. See Hurewitz, Middle East, vol. 1, 227– 31.

  10. Ellery C. Stowell, Intervention in International Law (Washington, DC: Byrne,
    1921), 40– 41.

  11. Great Britain– Greece, Convention for the Settlement of British Claims, July
    18, 1850, 104 CTS 159. On the Don Pacifi co aff air, see Charles de Martens, Causes cé-
    lèbres du droit des gens, 2nd ed., vol. 5 (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1861), 395– 531; and
    Jasper Ridley, Lord Palmerston (London: Constable, 1970), 374– 76, 379– 89.

  12. Carlos Calvo, Le droit international théorique et pratique précédé d’un exposé
    historique des progrès de la science du droit des gens, 3rd ed., vol. 2 (Paris: Pedone-
    Lauriel, 1880– 81), 603– 4.

  13. France- Mexico, Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Mar. 9, 1839, 88 CTS 345.

  14. See Miriam Hood, Gunboat Diplomacy: Great Power Pressure in Venezuela,
    1895– 1905, 2nd ed. (London: Allen and Unwin, 1983).

  15. Schoultz, Beneath the United States, 181.

  16. Venezuelan Preferential Claims Case, 9 RIAA 99 (1904).

  17. Boxer Indemnity Agreement, Sep. 7, 1901, 190 CTS 61.

  18. Elihu Root, “Th e Basis of Protection to Citizens Residing Abroad,” 4 AJIL 517–
    28 (1910).

  19. Drago to Martin Garcia Merou, Dec. 29, 1902, [1903] FRUS 1– 5; reprinted in 1
    (supp) AJIL 1– 6 (1907).

  20. See Luis M. Drago, “State Loans in Th eir Relation to International Policy,” 1
    AJIL 692– 726 (1907). See also Arthur P. Whitaker, Th e Western Hemi sphere Idea: Its
    Rise and Decline (Ithaca, NJ: Cornell University Press, 1954), 86– 107.

  21. Hague Convention II on the Limitation of Force for the Recovery of Contract
    Debts, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 250.

  22. Ibid., 87– 88.

Notes to Pages 333–338 535
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