Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. 1921 LN Off .J. 313.

  2. Ibid., 807– 9.

  3. Opinion of Judge McNair, Anglo- Iranian Oil Case (Great Britain v. Iran), 1952
    ICJ Rep. 93, 118.

  4. Opinion of Judge Oda, in Military and Paramilitary Activities (Nicaragua v.
    U.S.A.) (Jurisdiction), 1984 ICJ Rep. 392, 501.

  5. See Polish Postal Ser vice in Danzig, PCIJ, ser. B, No. 11 (1925); Jurisdiction of
    Courts of Danzig, PCIJ, ser. B, No. 15 (1928); Free City of Danzig and the ILO, PCIJ,
    ser. B, No. 18 (1930); Access to, or Anchorage in, the Port of Danzig, of Polish War
    Vessels, PCIJ, ser. A/B, No. 43 (1931); Treatment of Polish Nationals and Other Per-
    sons of Polish Origin or Speech in the Danzig Territory, PCIJ, ser. A/B, No. 44 (1932);
    and Consistency of Certain Danzig Legislative Decrees with the Constitution of the
    Free City, PCIJ., ser. A/B, No. 65 (1935).

  6. Austria- Germany, Customs Union Protocol, Mar. 19, 1931, in Grewe, ed., Fon-
    tes, vol. 3, 861.

  7. Protocol on the Restoration of Austria, Oct. 4, 1922, 12 LNTS 405.

  8. Customs Union Case (adv. Op.), PCIJ, ser. A/B, no. 41

  9. See G. M. Gathorne- Hardy, A Short History of International Aff airs 1920 to 1939,
    3rd ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 1942), 338– 39; and Michael Dunne, Th e
    United States and the World Court, 1920– 1935 (London: Pinter, 1988), 198– 209.

  10. See Treaty of Versailles, arts. 297, 304. On the functioning of these tribunals,
    including issues of substantive law determined, see generally Rudolf Blühdorn, “Le
    fonctionnement et la jurisprudence des tribunaux aribtreaux mixtes créés par les trai-
    tés de Paris,” 41 RdC 137– 244 (1932).

  11. Germany- U.S.A., Claims Agreement, Aug. 10, 1922, 25 LNTS 357.

  12. For reports of the most prominent cases, see generally 7 RIAA 21– 391 and 8
    RIAA 3– 468.

  13. Mexico- U.S.A., General Claims Convention, Sep. 8, 1923, 4 RIAA 11; and
    Mexico- U.S.A., Special Claims Convention, Sep. 10, 1923, 4 RIAA 779.

  14. Mexico- U.S.A., Protocol on Claims, Apr. 24, 1934, 149 LNTS 49. On the expe-
    rience of the special claims commission, see A. H. Feller, Th e Mexican Claims Com-
    missions 1923– 1934: A Study in the Law and Procedure of International Tribunals
    (New York: Macmillan, 1935), 63– 69; and “Special Claims Commission,” 4 RIAA
    773– 75. For the two decisions made by the commission, see Santa Isabel Claims
    (U.S.A. v. Mexico), 4 RIAA 783 (1926); and Russell Claim (U.S.A. v. Mexico), 4 RIAA
    805 (1931).

  15. Mexico- U.S.A., Convention Relating to Certain Unsettled Claims, Nov. 19,
    1941, 125 UNTS 287. On the experience of the general commission, see Feller, Mexi-
    can Claims Commissions, 56– 63; and “General Claims Commission,” 4 RIAA 3– 6.

  16. France- Mexico, Convention of Sep. 25, 1924, 79 LNTS 417; Germany- Mexico,
    Convention of Mar. 16, 1925, 52 LNTS 93; and Great Britain– Mexico, Claims Con-
    vention, Nov. 19, 1926, 85 LNTS 51; Italy- Mexico, Claims Convention, Jan. 13,

538 Notes to Pages 356–358

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