Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. German Settlers in Poland (Germany v. Poland), PCIJ, ser. B, No. 6 (1923); and
    Acquisition of Polish Nationality (Germany v. Poland), PCIJ, ser. B, No. 7 (1923).

  2. See Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (Germany v. Poland)
    (Merits), PCIJ ser. A, No. 7 (1926); Rights of Minorities in Upper Silesia (Minority
    Schools) (Germany v. Poland), PCIJ, ser. A, No. 15 (1928); and Access to German
    Minority Schools in Upper Silesia (Germany v. Poland), PCIJ, ser. A/B, No. 40

  3. Minority Schools in Albania (adv. op.), PCIJ, ser. A/B, No. 64 (1933).

  4. Convention on Aerial Navigation, Oct. 13, 1919, 11 LNTS 173.

  5. Hague Rules of Aerial Warfare, in Adam Roberts and Richard Guelff , eds., Docu-
    ments on the Laws of War, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 139– 53.

  6. Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of Asphyxiating Gases, June 17, 1925, 94
    LNTS 65.

  7. See, for example, the declarations of France, Belgium, Romania, Britain, India,
    Canada, the Soviet Union, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, 94 LNTS 67– 71.

  8. Geneva Convention on the Wounded and Sick in the Field, July 27, 1929, 118
    LNTS 303; and Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, July 27, 1929, 118 LNTS 343.
    On the earlier Geneva Conventions, see Chapter 8.

  9. London Naval Protocol, Nov. 6, 1936, 173 LNTS 353.

  10. Pact of Paris, Aug. 27, 1928, 94 LNTS 57.

  11. James T. Shotwell, War as an Instrument of National Policy and Its Renunciation
    in the Pact of Paris (London: Constable, 1929), 203– 13.

  12. See Chapter 10, on the Nuremberg Trials.

  13. Advisory Committee of Jurists, Procès- verbaux, Resolution 2, 748. On Des-
    camps, see La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 225– 35.

  14. Convention for the Creation of an International Criminal Court, Nov. 16, 1937,
    in UN Secretary- general, Historical Survey of the Question of International Criminal
    Jurisdiction, UN Doc. A/CN.4/7/Rev.1 (1949), 88– 97. See also Hudson, Permanent
    Court, 85– 89.

  15. See Walther Schücking, Der Kodifi kationsversuch betreff end die Rechtsverhäl-
    nisse des Küstenmeeres und die Gründe seines Scheiterns (Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt,
    1931). For support for this position, see Philip Marshall Brown, “International Law
    Reparations,” 28 AJIL 330– 34 (1934).

  16. Elihu Root, “Th e Codifi cation of International Law,” 19 AJIL 675– 84 (1925). See
    also, to the same eff ect, Pittman Potter’s review of Schücking, Kodifi kationsversuch, in
    26 AJIL 446– 47 (1932).

  17. For the full rec ords of the Hague Conference, see generally Shabtai Rosenne,
    ed., League of Nations Conference for the Codifi cation of International Law, 4 vols.
    (Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana, 1975).

  18. Hague Convention on the Confl ict of Nationality Laws, Apr. 12, 1930, 179 LNTS

540 Notes to Pages 360–363

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