Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. 28 AJIL 411 (1934).

  2. See Chapter 11.

  3. Martin Griffi ths, Fift y Key Th inkers in International Relations (London: Rout-
    ledge, 1999), 191– 94. See also David Mitrany, Th e Functional Th eory of Politics (Lon-
    don: Robertson, 1975).

  4. Pitman B. Potter, An Introduction to the Study of International Or ga ni za tion
    (New York: Century, 1922).

  5. Pitman B. Potter, “Bases and Eff ectiveness of International Law 1968,” 63 AJIL
    270– 72 (1969), 271.

  6. Pitman B. Potter, “Obstacles and Alternatives to International Law,” 53 AJIL
    647– 51 (1959), 649– 50.
    14 2. Ha rold L asswel l, “ Th e Problem of World- unity: In Quest of a Myth,” 44 Int’l J.
    Ethics 68– 93 (1933), 68.

  7. Ibid., 69.

  8. Ibid., 93.

  9. See Chapter 10.

  10. See La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 359– 70.

  11. Louis Le Fur, “La théorie du droit naturel depuis le XVIIe siècle et la doctrine
    moderne,” 18 RdC 259– 442 (1927).
    14 8. On Wol ff , see Chapter 5. On Aquinas, see Chapter 2.

  12. Le Fur, “Th éorie,” 385.

  13. On Verdross, see Ernest Engelberg, “Les bases idéologiques de la nouvelle con-
    ception de droit international de M. Alfred von Verdross,” 46 RGDIP 37– 52 (1939).

  14. Alfred Verdross, “Le fondement du droit international,” 16 RdC 247– 323
    (1927), 283– 86. (Emphasis in the original.)

  15. On this phase of Kaufmann’s career, see Martti Koskenniemi, Th e Gentle Civi-
    lizer of Nations: Th e Rise and Fall of International Law, 1870– 1960 (Ca mbridge: Ca m-
    bridge University Press, 2001), 249– 61.

  16. See Chapter 6.

  17. See Erich Kaufmann, “Règles générales du droit de la paix,” 54 RdC 309– 620
    (1935), 574– 88.

  18. On Kaufmann’s change of outlook, see Manfred Lachs, Th e Teacher in Interna-
    tional Law (Teachings and Teaching) (Th e Hague: Martinus Nijhoff , 1982), 127– 28; and
    Stephen Cloyd, “Erich Kaufmann,” in Arthur D. Jacobson and Bernhard Schlink, eds.,
    Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis, 189– 94 (Berkeley, CA: University of California
    Press, 2000), 191– 92.

  19. Kaufmann, “Règles générales,” 314.

  20. Ibid., 319.

  21. Ibid., 398.

  22. Ibid., 491– 92.

  23. I bid., 314.

  24. I bid., 319.

Notes to Pages 377–381 543
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