- 28 AJIL 411 (1934).
- See Chapter 11.
- Martin Griffi ths, Fift y Key Th inkers in International Relations (London: Rout-
ledge, 1999), 191– 94. See also David Mitrany, Th e Functional Th eory of Politics (Lon-
don: Robertson, 1975). - Pitman B. Potter, An Introduction to the Study of International Or ga ni za tion
(New York: Century, 1922). - Pitman B. Potter, “Bases and Eff ectiveness of International Law 1968,” 63 AJIL
270– 72 (1969), 271. - Pitman B. Potter, “Obstacles and Alternatives to International Law,” 53 AJIL
647– 51 (1959), 649– 50.
14 2. Ha rold L asswel l, “ Th e Problem of World- unity: In Quest of a Myth,” 44 Int’l J.
Ethics 68– 93 (1933), 68. - Ibid., 69.
- Ibid., 93.
- See Chapter 10.
- See La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 359– 70.
- Louis Le Fur, “La théorie du droit naturel depuis le XVIIe siècle et la doctrine
moderne,” 18 RdC 259– 442 (1927).
14 8. On Wol ff , see Chapter 5. On Aquinas, see Chapter 2. - Le Fur, “Th éorie,” 385.
- On Verdross, see Ernest Engelberg, “Les bases idéologiques de la nouvelle con-
ception de droit international de M. Alfred von Verdross,” 46 RGDIP 37– 52 (1939). - Alfred Verdross, “Le fondement du droit international,” 16 RdC 247– 323
(1927), 283– 86. (Emphasis in the original.) - On this phase of Kaufmann’s career, see Martti Koskenniemi, Th e Gentle Civi-
lizer of Nations: Th e Rise and Fall of International Law, 1870– 1960 (Ca mbridge: Ca m-
bridge University Press, 2001), 249– 61. - See Chapter 6.
- See Erich Kaufmann, “Règles générales du droit de la paix,” 54 RdC 309– 620
(1935), 574– 88. - On Kaufmann’s change of outlook, see Manfred Lachs, Th e Teacher in Interna-
tional Law (Teachings and Teaching) (Th e Hague: Martinus Nijhoff , 1982), 127– 28; and
Stephen Cloyd, “Erich Kaufmann,” in Arthur D. Jacobson and Bernhard Schlink, eds.,
Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis, 189– 94 (Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 2000), 191– 92. - Kaufmann, “Règles générales,” 314.
- Ibid., 319.
- Ibid., 398.
- Ibid., 491– 92.
- I bid., 314.
- I bid., 319.
Notes to Pages 377–381 543