Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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604 Index

Arangio- Ruiz, Gaetano, 417, 419
Arbitration: in Sumer, 13– 14; in ancient
China, 19; ancient Greece, 30; con-
trasted with ligitation, 30, 328– 329;
papal, 57– 59; at the First Hague Peace
Conference, 217; in the nineteenth
century, 218, 298– 299, 300, 307– 308,
328– 330, 338– 339; collections of
decisions, 303; ser vice by international
lawyers, 307, 308, 309; post–World War
II, 396, 411, 441, 446. See also Arbitra-
tion (cases); Court of Arbitral Justice,
proposed; Mixed- claims commissions;
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Arbitration (cases): Geneva (1872),
298– 299, 329; Don Pacifi co incident,
335– 336; Venezuelan Preferences,
Argentina, 307, 335, 338, 466
Arias de Ávila, Pedro (Pedrarias Dávila),
Ariga Nagao, 315, 324
Aristides, 11
Aristotelianism, medieval, 78– 79, 143,
14 4 – 145, 156, 265
Aristotle, 7, 25– 26, 30, 35, 42, 45, 61, 62,
117, 118, 121, 122– 123, 167, 169, 174,
182– 183, 186, 196, 250, 285. See also
Aristotelianism, medieval; Natural
sociability, principle of
Armed confl ict. See Wa rs
Armenia, 58; massacres in, 350, 397
Arntz, E. R. N., 296, 297
Artasastra, 16– 17
Ashburton, Alexander Baring, Lord,
246– 247
Ashoka, 37
Assassins, employment of, in war, 198
Asser, T. M. C., 300– 301, 302, 324, 325
Asylum, 207, 350
Atomic energy, 396. See also Nuclear
AU. See African Union
Augustine of Hippo, 65, 68, 96
Austin, John, 223– 224, 231, 239, 305, 334,
Australia, 353

Austria, 177, 208, 238, 278, 280, 281, 289,
339, 356– 357, 359– 360, 366, 367, 380.
See also Austria- Hungary
Austria- Hungary, 324, 349
Autarkeia, 25. See also Autarky
Autarky, 25, 386
Autolimitation theory, 240– 241, 242, 247,
384; criticism of, 426. See also
Neo- Kantianism
Averroes, 465– 466
Awza’i, Abd al-Rahman al-, 95
Axelrod, Robert, 35, 242– 243
Aya la, Ba lt hasa r, 148 – 149, 149 – 150
Aztec Empire, 107, 117
Bacon, Francis, 179, 227, 479
Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 111, 112
Baldus of Ubaldis, 82
Barbarian states: ancient Greece and, 27,
35; in the nineteenth century, 311– 312,
315, 335, 432– 433. See also Civilized
states; Extraterritoriality; In e qual ity of
states; Savage states
Barbosa de Oliveira, Ruy, 326, 348, 355
Bartolus of Sassoferrato, 54, 76– 77, 82,
89, 109
Bashir, Omar al, 475, 477– 478
Basic norm (Vienna School), 368– 369, 379,

  1. See also Vienna School
    Ba status, 19
    Bastiat, Frédéric, 271, 272
    Bastid, Suzanne, 464
    Baudhayana, 17
    Bedjaoui, Mohammed, 471
    Belgium, 278, 296, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351,
    358, 359, 390, 470– 471, 472
    Belli, Pierino, 148
    Bello, Andrés, 263– 264, 306
    Bentham, Jeremy, 210– 211, 223, 263
    Bergbohm, Carl, 239
    Bernard, Henri, 399
    Beyani, Chaloka, 471
    Black Sea, demilitarization of, 298
    Blockade, 212, 327, 328, 329, 334– 336, 338
    Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar, 262, 264– 267,
    284, 289, 301, 303, 308, 322, 323, 413, 462
    Bodin, Jean, 145– 147, 169, 273

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