Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 609

Ea gleton, Clyde, 421, 427, 458, 466– 467, 479
Eclectic school. See Grotian school
Edward I (of En gland), 58– 59, 106
Egypt: ancient, 36– 37; medieval, 105, 106;
mixed courts in, 316, 358– 359, 433;
British intervention in, 336. See also
Suez Canal
Elizabeth I (of En gland), 127
El Salvador, 275, 333
Emanationist theory (of ius gentium), 63,
66– 67, 152– 153, 154, 162, 379. See also
Dualist theories: of ius gentium;
Substitution theory (of ius gentium)
Emergent strategies of order, 180– 181;
network of treaties as, 201; neo-
Kantianism as, 242– 243, 276; main-
stream positivism as, 248, 319;
liberalism as, 276; solidarism and, 424,
431, 459
Empirical variant of positivism, 226– 231,
236, 243, 246, 247, 249– 250, 252– 253,
254, 257, 334, 364– 366, 381, 415– 416,
417, 418; and solidarism, 294, 424; and
the Vienna School, 368– 369, 371; and
realism, 392; and socialism, 420. See also
Common- will variant of positivism;
Positivism (general); Voluntarist variant
of positivism
Enforcement of international law. See
Just- war doctrine, medieval; Just- war
ideas, ancient; Just- war ideas, modern;
Mea sures short of war; Sanctions; United
Nations (UN): enforcement action by
Engels, Friedrich, 286
En gland, 55– 56, 57, 58– 59, 86, 126, 134.
See also Common law: En glish; Great
Equality of states, principle of, 2, 39, 324,
343, 344, 353, 430; Mencius on, 22; Wolff
on, 187; Vattel on, 197; in positivist
doctrine, 244– 245; at the Hague Peace
Conferences, 324, 327; Barbosa on, 326;
Strupp on, 365; in socialist doctrine,
384, 386; in Nazi doctrine, 387;
post–World War II, 412; and the Th ird
World , 433. See also In e qual ity of states;
Sovereignty, state

Erasmus of Rotterdam, 93, 118
Ethiopia, 336– 337, 390, 447
Eugenius III, Pope, 103
Eu ro pe an Court of Human Rights, 415,
4 4 7, 4 6 7, 4 70
“External state law,” international law as,
237– 238
Extradition, 14, 19, 33, 36– 37, 233, 234,
350, 363, 472
Extraterritoriality, 315– 317, 352, 384;
attack on, 352, 358– 359, 433. See also
Capitulations; In e qual ity of states
Fabian socialists, 430
Fairness, concept of, 452– 453. See also
Common juridical conscience; Justice,
sense of; Natural law
Falk, Richard A., 431
Falkenberg, John, 104
Fascist view of international law, 386
Fassbender, Bardo, 454
Fauchille, Paul, 302
Feminism, 462– 464
Fenwick, Charles, 351, 372
Fetial law, Roman, 32– 33, 171
Feuda l law, 14 4, 318 – 319
Feudal system, Eu ro pe an, 52, 85, 108,
205– 206, 271. See also Feudal law
Field, David Dudley, 322
Fiore, Pasquale, 274, 282, 303, 306, 307,
322, 347, 413
Flamininus, Titus Quinctius, 33– 34
Force, prohibition against. See Use of force,
prohibition against
Foreign ministry legal advisers, 232, 306,
308, 309, 315, 380, 408, 415, 459
Formosa, 334– 335
Fragmentation of international law,
concern over, 455, 457, 460
France: medieval, 51, 55– 56, 57, 58, 77, 82,
86, 98; early modern, 126, 127, 139, 150,
190, 202, 270; Revolutionary, 206– 210,
211, 213, 221; nineteenth century, 272,
291, 298, 306, 312, 316, 334– 335, 336;
interwar, 345– 346, 351, 358, 361, 362,
366; post–World War II, 397, 400
Francis I (of France), 127, 150– 151
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