Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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608 Index

Customary international law (continued)
view of, 268– 269, 370; majority rule and,
417– 419. See also Ius gentium; Peremp-
tory norms; Usage
Customary law (general), 80; medieval law
merchant, 86– 87; ius gentium as, 155– 156,
173; Grotius on, 161; Pufendorf on,
175– 177. See also Customary interna-
tional law; Customary practices of states
Customary practices of states: in ancient
China, 20– 21, 24; in ancient Greece, 28;
in medieval Eu rope, 80– 91; diplomacy,
98– 99; Pufendorf on, 175– 177; as a
source of international law, 181, 193,
194, 200, 247, 257, 319, 325, 369, 478;
Eu ro pe an, 202, 315, 384. See also
Customary international law; Empirical
variant of positivism; Usage
Cynics, 42– 43
Czech o slo vak i a, 360, 407, 408– 409
d’Aguesseau, Henri François, 210– 211
Dante Alighieri, 54, 74, 77, 146, 370
Danton, Jacques, 208
Danzig, Free City of, 356, 380
Dar al- Ahd (“House of Covenant”), 98– 99
Dar al- Harb (“House of War”), 96, 98,
100, 383
Dar al- Islam (“House of Islam”), 96, 98
Dar al- Suhl (“House of Truce”), 98
David II (of Scotland), 85
Declarations: of Peace, 206– 207; of Pilnitz,
208; of Paris, 319– 320, 323; of St.
Petersburg, 320; of London, 328, 332; on
Friendly Relations (UN), 412, 437
Decolonization, 211, 285, 344; UN
Declaration on, 436. See also
Self- determination
Decree on Peace, 382
de Gaulle, Charles, 402
de Groot, Hugh. See Grotius, Hugo
Denial of justice. See Justice, denial of
Denmark, 77, 175, 313
Depositions of rulers by popes: Frederick
II, 50– 51, 56– 57, 445; Henry IV, 56;
Sancho II, 57
Descamps, Édouard, 362

de Staël, Germaine, 280
de Visscher, Charles, 348, 356, 415
Dharmasastras, 17
Digests of international law, 302– 303
Dilatatio theor y, 102– 103, 104– 105, 119– 123
Diogenes, 43
Diplomatic immunity. See Immunity,
Diplomatic relations, 7; in imperial China,
20, 39– 40; in ancient Greece, 25; and ius
commune, 73; Islamic, 96, 98– 99; Asian,
131; Grotius on, 162; Rachel on, 172;
Zouche on, 191– 192; Bynkershoek on,
192; G. F. von Martens on, 199; Harvard
Research project on, 363; ruptures of,
231, 334. See also Immunity, diplomatic
Diplomatics, science of, 190
Diplomatic ser vice by international
lawyers, 84, 108, 133, 148, 171– 172, 193,
195, 228– 229, 230, 263, 275, 305– 306,
419– 420, 427
Diplomats, mistreatment of, 9, 20, 335,
441– 442. See also Immunity, diplomatic
Djibouti, 477
Dominium, 204– 205
Domin- Petrushevecz, Alphonse von, 322
Donnedieu de Vabres, Henri, 415
Don Pacifi co incident, 335– 336
Drago, Luis María, 338
Drago Doctrine, 338
Drake, Francis, 127
Dualist theories: of ius gentium, 63– 65,
66– 67, 153; of Suárez, 154– 158; of
Grotians, 159– 163; of Grotian school,
170 – 173, 178, 180, 182, 183, 226; of
positivists, 234– 235, 243, 417; criticism
of positivist dualism, 238, 370, 373,
375– 376, 428. See also Monism
Dugard, John, 414
Duguit, Léon, 291, 293, 294, 297, 370, 373,
374– 375, 398– 399
Dulles, John Foster, 404
Dumont, Jean, 190– 191
Dupuy, Pierre- Marie, 451– 452
Durkheim, Émile, 291, 373, 375
Dutch East India Company, 132, 133, 151,
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