Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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614 Index

International Settlement of Shanghai, 317
International Telegraphic Bureau, 289
International Trade Or ga ni za tion,
proposed, 396, 411. See also World
T r a d e O r g a n i z a t i o n
International Tribunal for the Law of the
Sea, 446
Invincible ignorance, 147
Iran, 441– 442, 446. See also Persia
Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, 446
Iraq, 344, 360, 444. See also Mesopotamia,
Ireland, 129
Isidore of Seville, 63– 65, 67, 81, 153, 154,
155, 156, 158, 162, 163
Islamic international law: contrast to
Western international law, 60, 94– 95;
doctrinal writing, 94– 97; state practice,
97– 100. See also Muslim and Christian
states, relations between; Ottoman
Islamic religion, 93, 94, 96– 97. See also
Islamic international law
Isocrates, 30– 31, 35
Israel, 436, 443, 472
Italy: ancient, 13, 31; medieval, 51, 72– 73,
74, 75– 77, 81, 87, 89, 90, 94, 105– 106,
150, 169; modern, 280– 282, 284, 285,
302, 306– 307, 336, 348, 358, 364, 386,
388– 389, 390
Ius cogens. See Peremptory norms
Ius commune, 53, 60, 72– 74, 91
Ius gentium, 9, 79, 118, 170, 171, 379; in
Roman law, 45– 49, 60, 62– 63, 80, 87,
128, 155– 156, 171, 175; relation to
natural law, 53, 63– 67, 69, 80, 141, 148,
151– 166; and ius commune, 72, 73– 74.
See also Customary international law;
Customary practices of states; Grotian
school; Just- war doctrine, medieval;
Voluntary law of nations
Ivory Coast, 450– 451

Jackson, Robert H., 394, 397– 398
James I (of En gland), 204
Japan, 38, 289, 324, 337, 393, 394, 404; as a
barbarian state, 311– 312; reception of

Western international law, 314– 315;
extraterritoriality in, 317, 358; war-
crimes trials, 399– 400
Jay Treaty, 211– 212, 328, 329
Jeannin, Pierre, 204
Jellinek, Georg, 240, 242, 290, 303, 322
Jenks, C. Wilfrid, 425
Jessup, Philip, 421, 427– 428, 451
Jhering, Rudolf von, 240
Jiang Zemin, 472
Jihad, 97
John, King (of En gland), 55, 56, 57
John II (of France), 86
John XXII, Pope, 55, 57, 106
John of Legnano, 84, 85, 89, 102
John of Paris, 78
John of Salisbury, 60
Johnson, Samuel, 212
Johore, Sultan of, 151
Journals, international- law, 230, 300– 302,
389, 405
Judaism, 34. See also Nazis: persecution of
international lawyers
Juntas, Spanish, 112, 118. See also
Valladolid debate
Jurisprudence, systematic. See Systematic
Justice, denial of, 162– 163, 202. See also
Aliens, treatment of; International
minimum standard
Justice, sense of, 2, 7, 8, 10 11– 13, 34, 194,
262, 292; in ancient Greece, 27– 28,
30– 31, 42; in ancient Rome, 32– 34;
in medieval Eu rope, 77, 101; in the
nineteenth century, 265– 266; in
interwar period, 379– 380; post–World
War II, 422, 423. See also Common
juridical conscience; Fairness, concept
of; International minimum standard;
Natural law; Reciprocity
Justinian, 47, 73. See also Roman law
Just- war doctrine, medieval, 53, 67– 72, 81,
83, 84, 96, 151– 152, 198, 202; reprisals
and, 88; in New World context, 93,
108, 112, 115– 117, 124, 129; contrast to
Islamic law, 96– 97; and crusading,
101– 102; in Indian Ocean context, 133;
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