Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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616 Index

Lawrence, Th omas J., 229, 347
Law- treaties, 232– 234, 242, 247, 257, 384.
See also Common- will variant of
positivism; Contract- treaties; Legisla-
tion, international; Treaties (general):
contractual character of
League of Nations, 291, 343, 351– 352, 354;
draft ing of the Covenant, 348, 352– 353;
treaty revision, 352; sanctions, 352, 390,
391– 393; election of World Court judges
by, 354; and Optional Clause, 356;
protection of minorities by, 359– 361,
390; codifi cation conference, 363; decline
of, 390. See also United Nations (UN)
Leagues of states, Chinese, 19, 23, 24
Lebensraum doctrine, 388– 389
Le Fur, Louis, 378– 379, 465
Legalism, Chinese, 23– 24, 223
Legal realism, 459
Legislation, international, 300, 377;
customary international law as, 153,
478; voluntary law of nations as, 187;
law- treaties as, 232– 234; multilateral
treaties as, 300, 323– 324, 361– 362. See
also Codifi cation of international law;
Customary international law: legislative
view of; Declarations: of Paris, of
London, of St. Petersburg; Geneva
Conventions; Hague Conventions;
Human- rights conventions; Treaties,
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 190
Leipzig war- crimes trials, 350– 351
Lelong, Père, 191
Lemkin, Raphael, 402
Lenin, Vladimir, 382– 383
Léonard, Frédéric, 190
LeRoux, Pierre, 285
Letters of marque, 89, 90, 202. See also
Letters of reprisal; Privateering;
Letters of reprisal, 88– 90. See also
Liberalism: in the nineteenth century, 218,
260, 269– 279, 309, 396; and natural law,
269, 270– 271, 273; and positivism,
275– 277; and the nationality school, 283;

and solidarism, 287, 293– 294, 373; in the
interwar period, 344, 371– 373; attacks
on, 386, 391– 393, 421– 422, 461; post–
World War II, 414, 415, 422– 424, 451,
462– 464. See also Collective security;
Freedom of trade; Human rights
Liberia, 475
Lieber, Francis, 301, 303, 323
Lincoln, Abraham, 323
Liszt, Franz von, 262, 304, 307, 346,
347, 351
Lithuania, 103– 105
Livy (Titus Livius), 9, 29, 31, 32– 33
London Naval Conference, 328
López de Tovar, Gregorio, 123– 124
Lorenz, Konrad, 12
Lorimer, James, 262, 265, 267– 269, 289,
293, 301, 303, 311
Lotus case, 366, 369
Louis VII (of France), 55
Louis XIII (of France), 159
Louis XVI (of France), 208
Louis of Bavaria, 55, 57, 78, 223
Luis de la Cerda, 103, 108
Lusitania, sinking of, 357
Luxembourg, 350
Lyon, Council of: First, 50– 51, 55, 57– 58;
Second, 90
Mabillon, Jean, 190
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbé de, 193
Machiavelli, Nicolo, 144– 145, 167
Maine, Henry, 263
Malawi, 478
Malta, 441
Mamiani della Rovere, Terenzio, 282– 283,
Mancini, Pasquale, 148, 281– 282, 284, 301,
303, 304, 306– 307, 387
Mandate, League of Nations, over South
West Africa, 411
Manhattan School, 427. See also New
Haven School
Manuel I (of Portugal), 132
Manuel Comnenos, Emperor, 98
Maritime law. See Law of the sea
Maritime war. See War, conduct of
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