Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 617

Marshall Plan, 428
Marsilius of Padua, 78– 79, 223
Martens, Fedor Fedorovich, 257, 274, 289,
306, 308– 310, 324, 325, 326, 330– 331,
336, 347, 408
Martens, Georg Friedrich von, 165, 191,
198– 201, 209– 210, 212, 213, 221, 227,
228, 263, 264, 305, 309, 385
Martens Clause, 325
Martin, William A. P., 313– 314
Martin V, Pope, 105
Marx, Karl, 382
Marxism, 384, 420
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 280– 281, 282, 284, 387
McCarthy, Joseph, 427
McDougal, Myres S., 428– 430, 452, 465
McNair, Arnold, 372– 373, 392, 401, 453
Mea sures short of war, 334– 337, 345. See
also Porter Convention; Use of force,
prohibition against
Melian Dialogue, 28
Mencius, 22– 23, 24, 26. See also
Mendlovitz, Saul, 431
Mengzu. See Mencius
Mesopotamia, ancient, 13– 15, 25
Mexico, 114, 117, 121, 275, 277, 317, 324,
336, 338, 357– 358
Mill, John Stuart, 275– 276, 278– 279, 283,
305, 314, 318, 4 09
Miller, David Hunter, 348
Milošević, Slobodan, 439, 475, 477
Minorities, protection of: in interwar
period, 359– 361, 390; liberalism and,
391; and self- determination, 436– 437
Minucchi da Pratovecchio, Antonio, 108
Miranda, Francisco de, 263
Mitrany, David, 377
Mixed- claims commissions, 300, 328, 329;
under Jay Treaty, 211– 212; regarding
Venezuela debts, 336; in interwar
period, 357– 358; post–World War II,
411, 446. See also Arbitration
Mixed courts, Egyptian, 316, 358– 359, 433.
See also Consular jurisdiction;
Mohism, 23

Mohl, Robert von, 240
Monism: in voluntarist variant of
positivism, 238; Kelsen on, 370, 380;
Lauterpacht on, 373; Scelle on, 376, 454;
Kaufmann on, 380. See also Constitu-
tionalism; Dualist theories
Moore, John Bassett, 303, 304, 306, 355,
361, 391
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 311
Morgenthau, Hans, 389
Moser, Johann Jakob, 193– 194, 199
Most- favored- nation clause, 203, 272– 273,
Moti. See Mohism
Mo- tzu. See Mohism
Moynier, Gustave, 301
Mozi. See Mohism
Muhammad, Prophet, 95, 98
Mullerson, Rein, 443
Muslim and Christian states, relations
between: hostile, 96– 97; pacifi c, 97– 99,
105– 107; militar y alliances, 150– 151,

  1. See also Capitulations; Extraterrito-
    riality; Islamic international law
    Mussolini, Benito, 386
    Namibia, 411, 435
    Napoleon I. See Bonaparte, Napoleon
    Napoleonic Wars. See Wars: French
    Nationality, dual, 363
    Nationality school, 260, 261, 279– 285, 295;
    and historical school, 279; and natural
    law, 279, 280, 284; criticism of, 284– 285;
    and solidarism, 287; and socialism,
    384, 421– 422; and Nazism, 387; and
    self- determination, 437
    Nationalization of property, 434, 446.
    See also Calvo Clause; Calvo Doctrine
    National liberation, wars of, 422, 435;
    liberalism and, 278. See also Combatant
    status; Just- war ideas, modern
    Nationals abroad, protection of: in the
    nineteenth century, 335– 337; and Hague
    Codifi cation Conference, 363; Interna-
    tional Law Commission on, 414. See also
    Calvo Clause; Calvo Doctrine

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