Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 619

Nicaragua, 275, 333, 335, 409– 410, 442
Nicholas V, Pope, 109
Nicolai, Helmut, 387– 388
Niemeyer, Th eodore, 302, 305
Nine- power Conference, 359. See also
Nishi Amane, 314
Nobel Peace Prize, 219, 291, 301, 302,
327, 402
“Non- belligerency,” U.S. policy of,
393– 394. See also Pact of Paris
Nonintervention, 78, 264, 294, 412, 430;
Mencius on, 22; Pufendorf on, 176;
Vattel on, 197; in mainstream positivism,
244– 245, 276– 277, 473; liberalism and,
278– 279, 295; nationality school and,
282– 283, 295; criticism by solidarists,
294– 297; socialist writers on, 386; and
Th ird World, 433. See also Brezhnev
Doctrine; Calvo Doctrine; Equality of
states, principle of; Humanitarian
intervention; Reagan Doctrine
Nootka Sound incident, 207
Nuclear weapons, 343; World Court on,
442– 443
Nuremberg Trials, 395, 397– 399, 402, 415,
440, 448– 449, 468. See also Tokyo Trials
Nys, Ernest, 262, 311
Oaths, 7; and treaty- making, 14, 15, 18;
papal dispensations from, 57; and Italian
communes, 75; military, 150
Occupatio theory, 128, 129, 130, 133, 204
Occupied Territories, Israeli, 436, 443
Occupied territory, 403
Ockham, William of. See William of
Oléron, Laws of, 81
Olivart, Marquis de, 302, 304– 305
Opinio juris, 252– 253, 319
Oppenheim, Lassa, 230– 231, 246, 255, 303,
304, 323, 339, 347, 351
Optional Clause, 354, 356, 410, 474
Organic conception of the state, 60, 79. See
also Real personality of the state
Or ga ni za tion of American States, 407
Otto I, Emperor, 53

Otto IV, Emperor, 55
Ottoman Empire, 278, 296, 324, 349,
359– 360, 397; alliance with France, 150;
as a barbarian state, 311, 312; capitula-
tions, 316, 358; Armenian massacres,
350, 397. See also Turkey, post- Ottoman
Otto of Brunswick, 58
Owen, Robert, 291
Oxytocin, 12, 36, 479
Pacta sunt servanda, 168, 172, 230,
235– 236, 241, 264, 365, 369. See also
Common- will variant of positivism;
Treat ies (genera l)
Pact of Paris, 361– 362, 393, 394, 428, 436;
at the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials,
398– 399; UN Charter and, 400. See also
Porter Convention
Pakistan, 433, 473
Pal, Radhabinod, 399
Palacios Rubios, Juan López de, 112– 113,
Panama Canal, 288
Papacy, Catholic, 51, 52, 55– 59, 78, 103,
106– 107, 108, 110, 124, 139. See also
Canon law; Christianity
Papal grants as basis of title, 110, 112– 113,
115, 123, 126, 132, 134; criticisms of, 115,
127, 133
Paris Peace Conference, 347– 350
Parker, Peter, 312
Parochial altruism, 11– 13. See also
Parthia, 34
Pashukanis, E. B., 384– 385
Pastry War, 336
Paul III, Pope, 118– 119
Paulus, Andreas, 454
Pauncefort, Julian, 288, 306, 324
Paz, Matías de, 112– 113
P.C. A. See Permanent Court of Arbitration
P.C. I. J. See Permanent Court of Interna-
tional Justice (World Court)
Peaceful coexistence, 412
Penn, William, 130
Pepin (of France), 98
Peremptory norms, 267, 432
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