Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 623

Self- defense, 107; and Mohism, 23; as part
of ius gentium, 64, 69; contrast to just
war, 69– 70, 164; and natural law,
151– 152, 246– 247; and Pact of Paris,
361– 362; and UN Charter, 400;
Brezhnev Doctrine and, 408– 409;
and nuclear weapons, 443; and
terrorism, 443
Self- determination, 434, 435– 438. See also
Nationality school
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 121– 123
Serbia, 58, 437– 438, 445, 473– 474, 475
Settlement theory. See Agricultural theory
Sèvres, Treaty of, 350, 358
Sexual violence, 463, 464
Shafi ’i School, 98
Shanghai, International Settlement of. See
International Settlement of Shanghai
Sharia, 94
Shaw, George Bernard, 337
Shaybani, Sheikh al-, 95– 96
Shigemitsu Mamoru, 400
Shotwell, James, 372
Shultz, George P., 409
Siam, 306, 311, 317, 324, 358
Sierra Leone, 475
Silent trading, 36
Silesia, conquest of, 177. See also Upper
Simma, Bruno, 453, 454
Siyar, 95– 96
Slavery, 87, 109, 114, 183, 463; as ius
gentium, 47, 148; ban on, as peremptory
norm, 267. See also Natural- slavery
theory; Slave trading, abolition of
Slave trading, abolition of, 321
Smith, Adam, 269, 271
Socialism, 286, 291– 292, 430, 452. See also
Cold War; Marxism; Socialist countries;
Socialist views of international law
Socialist countries, 344, 364, 405, 406– 407,
415, 433– 434, 435. See also Brezhnev
Doctrine; Cold War; Socialism; Socialist
views of international law; Soviet Union
Socialist views of international law,
382– 386, 404, 407– 409, 412, 415,
419– 422, 443– 444. See also Cold War;

Positivism (general): mainstream;
Socialism; Socialist Countries
So cio log i cal approaches to international
law. See Solidarism
Sohn, Louis, 423
Solidarism, 260, 285, 309; in the nine-
teenth century, 285– 297; and natural
law, 292, 293; and liberalism, 293– 294;
and positivism, 294; in the interwar
period, 344, 373– 378; and socialism,
383, 408– 409, 421; and Nazism, 388;
post–World War II, 414– 415, 424– 432,
451, 452– 461; attacks on, 421, 431. See
also Functionalism
Solórzano y Pereira, Juan de, 115, 119, 126
Sorel, Albert, 217, 229– 230
Soto, Domingo de, 115, 120, 123, 152
South Africa, 411, 435
Southern Rhodesia, 435
South West Africa, 411. See also Namibia
Sovereign equality of states, principle of.
See Equality of states, principle of;
Positivism (general): mainstream;
Sovereignty, state
Sovereignty (general), 343; in Chinese
legalist theory, 23– 24; of Holy Roman
emperors, 53– 54; over the seas, 82,
133– 135, 204– 205; of infi dels over
Christians, 101, 104, 251; over New
World possessions, 111– 131; Bodin on,
145– 147; Hobbes on, 168– 169. See also
Quasi- sovereignty; Sovereignty, state;
Territorial waters; Title to territory,
legal bases of
Sovereignty, state, 144, 343 344, 412;
restraints on, 146, 240– 241, 273, 274,
337, 423; in mainstream positivism, 176,
244– 245, 249, 251, 338, 418, 451– 452;
Vattel on, 197, 312; neo- Hegelian view
of, 237– 238; opposition to, 285, 293,
294– 297, 370, 374– 375, 399, 407– 410,
421, 425, 427; solidarism and, 290; Th ird
World view of, 326, 433– 434, 471; over
airspace, 361; in socialist thought, 384,
386, 407– 409, 420, 443– 444; New Haven
School and, 430. See also Autolimitation
theory; Brezhnev Doctrine; Calvo
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