Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 625

Tordesillas, Treaty of, 110
Trachtman, Joel P., 454
Trainin, A. N., 397
Tra i t é - c o n t ra t. See Contract- treaties
Tra i t é - l o i. See Law- treaties
Transnational law, concept of, 428. See also
Ius commune; Ius gentium: in Roman
law; Law merchant, medieval
Treaties (general), 264, 268– 269, 314;
making of, 2, 7, 14– 15, 18, 25, 31, 36, 40;
breaches of, 16, 24, 33, 56, 174, 207– 208,
334, 346, 356– 357, 359, 360, 398; as part
of ius gentium, 64; in Islamic law, 96, 98;
in Asia, 131; binding character of, 146,
172, 209, 350; as the basis of interna-
tional law, 169– 170, 192– 193, 199– 200,
213, 231– 236, 239, 257, 261, 300, 319,
380, 382, 383– 384, 385, 453, 454– 455;
Naturalist school view of, 174, 176;
contractual character of, 176, 185, 230,
239, 247– 248, 266, 268– 269, 315,
454– 455, 476; collections of, 190– 191,
198, 352, 481; repudiation of, 207, 231,
239, 298, 299, 382– 383, 390; and
peremptory norms, 266– 267, 432;
unequal, 313; revision of, 352, 359;
registration of, 352, 401; interpretation
of, 356, 425; codifi cation of the law of,
363, 413– 414. See also Contract- treaties;
Law- treaties; Legislation, international;
Pacta sunt servanda; Treaties, bilateral;
Treat ies, mu lt i latera l
Treaties, bilateral: peace, 14, 36– 37, 41, 56,
64, 86, 96, 159, 192, 202, 306, 312, 336,
350, 352, 357, 359– 360, 406– 407;
friendship, 14, 40, 98; alliance, 31;
commercial, 87, 90, 105– 106, 150,
272– 273; networks of, 181, 200, 201, 203,
251, 273; amity and commerce, 201– 203,
211– 212, 273, 328; arbitration, 298– 299,
329– 330; unequal, 313; extraterritorial-
it y, 315 – 317, 358 – 359, 433. See also
Aloaçoves, Treaty of; Capitulations;
Cobden- Chevalier Treaty; Contract-
treaties; Extraterritoriality; Jay Treaty;
Tordesillas, Treaty of; Treaties (general);
Washington, Treaty of

Treaties, multilateral, 181, 218, 273,
288– 289, 300, 319– 321, 327, 328, 333,
353, 356, 357, 358– 359, 361, 397, 412; in
pre- imperial China, 18, 19; reservations
to, 413– 414. See also Geneva Conven-
tions; Hague Conventions; Human- rights
conventions; Lausanne, Treaty of;
Legislation, international; Minorities,
protection of; Pact of Paris; Sèvres,
Treaty of; Treaties (general); UN Charter;
Versailles, Treaty of; Westphalia,
Peace of
Tribute: in Chinese leagues, 19, 22– 23; in
Muslim- infi del relations, 98– 99. See also
Tribute system, Chinese
Tribute system, Chinese, 39– 41
Triepel, Heinrich, 232– 236 passim, 303,
Truces, 64, 84– 85; Truce of God, 83;
breaches of, 92; in Islamic law, 98, 99;
between Netherlands and Spain, 202
Tu l l u s H o s t i l i u s , 31– 32
Tunisia, 105– 106, 441, 464
Tunkin, Grigory, 408, 420
Turgot, A. R. J., 270
Turkey, post- Ottoman, 350, 356, 366.
See also Ottoman Empire
Twiss, Travers, 312
Uganda, 442, 450, 473, 476– 477
Ulfstein, Geir, 454
Ulpian, 47, 61, 62– 63, 64, 66, 101
Umma, 14
Unanimity of states: at the Hague Peace
Conferences, 324, 327; at the League of
Nations, 360
UN Charter, 400– 401, 405, 406, 407, 420,
422, 434, 436, 442, 473. See also United
Nations (UN)
Unequal treaties. See Treaties (general):
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Nations (UN), 344, 394, 400– 401;
in eff ec tive ness of, 395– 396, 401– 404;
General Assembly, 401, 402, 403, 404,
411, 412, 422, 436, 437; enforcement
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