Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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626 Index

United Nations (UN) (continued)
action by, 404, 444– 445; membership
crisis, 405– 407; expenses of, 411;
secretariat, 413. See also International
Court of Justice (World Court);
International Law Commission; Security
Council, UN; UN Charter
United States, 207, 275, 288, 307, 324, 330,
333, 355, 361, 363, 377, 393– 394, 397,
400, 403– 404, 411, 427, 444; and
mixed- claims commissions, 211– 212,
298– 299, 329, 336, 357– 358, 446; and
Caroline incident, 246– 247; armed
expeditions by, 299, 335, 337;
international- law education in, 304– 305,
431; and extraterritoriality, 316– 317, 433;
World Court cases involving, 409– 410,
441– 442; and the International
Criminal Court, 475– 476. See also Cold
Wa r ; Rea ga n Doc t r i ne
Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
402, 403, 456
Universal jurisdiction: of popes, 56, 57; of
states, 468– 472, 473
Universal Postal Union, 288– 289
UN War Crimes Commission, 398
Upper Silesia, 360, 390
Urbach, John, 104
Urban II, Pope, 57– 58, 102
Urban V, Pope, 106
Usage, 155, 202, 212, 228, 366; contrasted
with customary law, 173, 231, 252– 253.
See also Customary international law
Use of force, prohibition against, 407, 412,
435; in UN Charter, 400, 434; violations
of, 435. See also Aggression: as an
international crime; Crimes against the
peace; Pact of Paris; Porter Convention
U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union
Valladolid debate, 119– 124. See also
Dilatatio theory; Juntas, Spanish
Valverde, Vicente de, 92, 93, 114
Vattel, Emmerich de, 1– 2, 129, 182, 188,
194– 198, 199, 200, 212, 218, 228, 245,
256– 257, 258, 263, 264, 305, 312, 320,

Vázquez y Menchaca, Ferdinando, 133,
Venezuela, 277, 307– 308, 336, 338
Venizelos, Eleuthérios, 347– 348
Verdross, Alfred, 367, 379– 380, 401, 415,
421, 453
Ve re i n b a r u n g. See Law- treaties
Vereschetin, V. S., 443
Versailles, Treaty of, 345, 346, 349– 350,
Ve r t ra g. See Contract- treaties
Veto, in UN Security Council, 400, 404,
406, 474
Vienna, Congress of, 217, 288, 321, 347
Vienna School, 201, 367– 371, 379; Nazi
opposition to, 289, 388; and solidarism,
374, 376, 424, 429, 456; socialist
opposition to, 421
Virally, Michel, 418, 419
Visit and search on the high seas, 321
Vissering, Simon, 314
Vitoria, Francisco de, 92– 93, 115, 116– 117,
119– 120, 122, 123, 124, 127, 133, 147,
152– 153, 156, 164, 256– 257, 258, 381;
likeness of, 381
Vives, Luis de, 93
Vladimiri, Paul, 104– 105
Vo l k s t a a t concept, 387– 388
Vollenhoven, Cornelius van, 462
Voluntarist variant of positivism, 226,
236– 243, 246, 247, 249, 250, 252– 253,
254, 257, 261, 268, 276, 285, 291, 294,
365, 370, 375– 376, 380, 384; post–World
War II, 416, 417– 419, 420. See also
Common- will variant of positivism;
Empirical variant of positivism;
Positivism (general)
Voluntary law of nations: Grotian
conception of, 156, 160– 166, 170,
172– 173, 180, 181– 182, 191– 192;
criticism of Grotian conception,
177; Wolff ’s conception of, 185– 187,
196– 197, 198, 379. See also Customary
international law; Grotian school; Ius
Vultures, Stele of the, 14
Vyshinsky, Doctrine, 422
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