Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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628 Index

Wimbledon case, 346, 356
Winiarski, Bohdan, 348
Wisby, Laws of, 81
Wlodkowic. See Vladimiri, Paul
Wol ff , Christian, 183– 187, 188, 189, 193 – 194 ,
195, 196, 197, 199, 201, 228, 245, 248,
249, 262, 266, 369, 371, 379, 465
Women, position of, 321, 447, 462; in the
international- law profession, 464. See
also Feminism
Woolsey, Th eodore Dwight, 303, 304, 311,
339; translation of, 313– 314
World Bank, 396, 446
World Court. See International Court of
Justice; Permanent Court of Interna-
tional Justice
World government, 44; contrast to
international law, 74, 169– 170, 180, 242;
opposition to, 188– 189, 244, 420, 421,

  1. See also Constitutionalism; Global
    administrative law; Neo- Kantianism;
    Solidarism; Sovereignty, state

World Health Or ga ni za tion, 464
World Order Models Project (WOMP),
431, 459
World Trade Or ga ni za tion, 446, 468
Wright, Quincy, 372, 392, 394, 398, 399,
415, 422– 423, 451, 453– 454
Yankov, Alexander, 420
Yearbooks, international- law, 302
“Young Italy,” 280
Yugo slavia Crimes Tribunal, 439, 448– 449,
450; Statute of, 464
Zachaeus. See Zouche, Richard
Zacharius, Pope, 57
Zimbabwe. See Southern Rhodesia
Zollverein, 287
Zorn, Albert, 239
Zorn, Philipp, 239, 306, 324
Zoroastrianism, 94
Zouche, Richard, 171, 191– 192, 199, 210,
227, 309, 385
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