International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Quadruple Alliance of 1718

In witnefs whereof we the underwritten, by virtue of the full
powers this day mutually exhibited, have figned this feparate
article, and thereto have affixed our feals. Done at London the
in the year 1718.

Signed as before,


WHEREAS in the treaty of alliance this day to be figned with his
Imperial and Catholick Majefty, as likewife in the conditions of
peace inferted therein, their facred royal Britannick, and moft
Chriftian Majefties, and the lords the States General of the
United Netherlands, do ftyle the prefent poffeffor of Spain and
the Indies Catholick King, and the duke of Savoy king of Sicily,
or alfo king of Sardinia : and whereas his Sacred Imperial and
Catholick Majefty cannot acknowledge thefe two princes as
kings, before they fhall have acceded to this treaty : his Sacred
Imperial and Catholick Majefty, by this feparate article which
was figned before the treaty of alliance, doth therefore declare
and proteft, that, by the titles there either given or omitted, he
doth not mean in the leaft to prejudice himfelf, or to grant or
allow the titles of king to the faid two princes, only in that cafe
when they fhall have acceded to the treaty this day to be figned,
and fhall have agreed to the conditions of peace fpecified
This feparate article fhall have the fame force as if it had been
word for word inferted in the treaty this day concluded and
figned, and fhall be ratified in the fame manner, and the inftru-
ments of ratification fhall be delivered within the fame time,
with the treaty itfelf.
In witnefs whereof, we the under-written, by virtue of the
full powers this day mutually exhibited, have figned this
feparate article, and thereto have affixed our feals. Done at Lon-
don the in the year 1718.

Signed as before.


WHEREAS fome of the titles, which his Sacred Imperial
Majefty makes ufe of, either in his full powers, or in the treaty of
alliance this day to be figned with him, cannot be acknowledged
by his Sacred Royal Moft Chriftian Majefty ; he doth declare
and proteft by this feparate article, which was figned before the
treaty of alliance, that by the faid titles given in this treaty, he
doth not mean to prejudice either himfelf or any other, or that
he in the leaft gives any right thereby to his Imperial Majefty.

This feparate article fhall have the fame force as if it had been
word for word inferted in the treaty this day concluded and
figned, and fhall be ratified in the fame manner, and the inftru-
ments of ratification fhall be delivered within the fame time,
with the treaty itfelf.
In witnefs whereof we the under-written, by virtue of the full
powers this day mutually exhibited, have figned this feparate
article, and thereto have affixed our feals. Done at London the
in the year 1718.

Signed as before.
Ratified as before.
The whole ratified alfo by the emperor, and the king
of France.
The act of admiffion and acceffion of the king of Sar-
dinia, &c.

WHEREAS a certain treaty, and feparate and fecret articles, as
likewife four other feparate articles relating thereto, and all of
them of the fame force with the principal treaty, have been in
due form concluded and figned, by the minifters plenipoten-
tiaries of his Imperial and Catholick Majefty, of his Britannick
Mnjefty, and of his moft Chriftian Majefty, at London the
laft paft, between the contracting parties ahovemen-
tioned, the tenor of all which, word for word, here followeth.
Here were inferted.
The treaty.
Separate and fecret articles.
The four feparate articles.
And whereas farther the then king of Sicily, whom it now
agreed to call by the name of king of Sardinia, according to the
intention of the treaty and articles above inferted, has been
invited to accede fully and amply to all and fingular of them,
and to join himfelf in due form to the contracting parties, as if
he himfelf from the beginning had been one of the contractors :
and whereas the faid king of Sardinia, having maturely weighed
the conditions particularly expreffed in the treaty and articles
above inferted, has not only declared himfelf willing to accept
the fame, and to approve them by his acceffion, but has likewife
granted fufficient full powers to his minifters appointed to per-
fect the faid work. That therefore an affair fo beneficial may
have the defired fuccefs, we the under-written minifters
plenipotentiaries of his Imperial and Catholick Majefty, of his
Britannick Majefty, and of his moft Chriftian Majefty, in the
name and by the authority of their faid Majefties, have admitted
joined and affociate, and by thefe prefents do admit, join, and
affociate, the aforefaid king of Sardinia, into a full and total part-
nerfhip of the treaty above inferted, and of all and fingular the
articles thereunto belonging ; promifing by the fame authority

22d of July2d of Aug.

22d of Julv O.S.2d of Aug. N.S.

22d of Julv O.S.2d of Aug. N.S.

22d of Julv O.S.2d of Aug. N.S.
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